Mike Dixon

Hi Fraser,  Agba veneer:  Robbins will supple 3mm and 4mm thick ex stock.  I have used both extensivley in the retoration of A1.  I juggled the thicknesses so that I had the correct end thickness, fairing off the final (outermost) veneer to the same thickness as the surrounding sound original veneer.  The original veneer was thinner than when the boat was originally built, as it had been rubbed down over the years and ‘lost’some of its original thickness.  Has worked out well.  I chose to add an extra layer of veneer over the whole deck area inside the toe rails – a) to cover up all the repairs I had carried out, b) to alleviate the sponginess and bounce in the deck, and c) because the entire deck area was varnished originally and I wanted to bring the boat back to its original state if possible.

I have not heard of 2mm thich Agba having beed used on Atalantas; it would have been imperial measurements anyway.  Most likely the outer veneers had been rubbed away as previously suggested.

It’s a laborious job – I used approx 6 off  8ft x 4ft sheets in total – but now really sound – and finding out next week when the boat is due for launching after almost 30 years!

Good luck with the repairs

