Looking back at St Tropez

Having had our fill of ‘The High Life’ we left St Tropex for Le Lavendou, where Mary was to be lifted. (After breakfast ashore of course). We motored around the headland and the beacon being pressure washed by ‘the authorities’, in the company of Rivas and other yachts, with what little wind there was on the nose once heading down the coast. We put up the sails and then progressively reefed as the wind piped up through the day. We had a wet beat up to Le Lavender, passing amongst a racing fleet. Great sailing!

Berthing for the last time on the Mediterranean was a little sad, so we treated ourselves to the most expensive dinner we could ashore.

The next day, 10th, we were up early to check with the yard, get the rig down and generally prepare Mary and ourselves for our return trips. Bob, the ‘Man with a trailer’ arrived at mid-day and did a masterful job of snugging Mary and the mast down on his trailer, driving away by 2pm. He and his wife were returning slowly to the UK, having a week’s holiday en route.