Photo: P3310040. Destiny In front of our house for clean up!

Photo: DSC00070.

Photo: DDSCF0426. Destiny, on our shallow waters, keel at appr. 4 ft.

Photo: P3290036. Destiny In front of our house for clean up!

Photo: DSC07962. Destiny….Captain!!!

Photo: A31-9 Sail 2010-1.
A31-9 Sail 2010-1

Photo: A31-9 Kaag. A nice place to be, only less than 1m water!!
A31-9 Kaag

Photo: A31-9 ready. Job done, ready to get wet again.
A31-9 ready

Photo: A31-9 into water 1. After main repair behind the house into the water again!
A31-9 into water 1

Photo: A31-9 into water 1.
A31-9 into water 1

Photo: A31-9 into water 1.
A31-9 into water 1

Photo: A31-9 into water 1.
A31-9 into water 1

Photo: A31-9 into water 1.
A31-9 into water 1

Photo: A31-9 into water 1.
A31-9 into water 1

Photo: A31-9 into water 1.
A31-9 into water 1

Photo: A31-9. Destiny in… and us on… ice!

2 thoughts on “2011 A31-9 Destiny Repaired, Flying and Sailing

  1. Fantastic! I’ve just uploaded a couple of pics from last month… A31-10

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