
Atalanta 31 31-9
May 1964
- Other namesKinky
- ConditionSailing
- LocationBovendiep, Amsterdam
- EnginePerkins 55
- Rig
Comments: Moved to the Netherlands in 1967

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A31-9 Destiny spotted alive and well by passing friend of the AOA

A31-9 Destiny spotted alive and well by passing friend of the AOA

2024 August - We were sent these two photos by members of the OGA, Clare and Pete Thomas, who spotted Destiny as they travelled homewards after the Dutch OGA 20th Anniversary celebrations. Thank Pete and Clare. It is always good to receive news about the boats.  If you see one do send us a photograph!

On special request of Colin Twyford!!!

2011 August - Seven photographs how Destiny got lifted over the house into the water. Needed a 150 Tons crane!!! Fortunality my neighbour is driver of one of those!!!

2011 A31-9 Destiny Repaired, Flying and Sailing

2011 A31-9 Destiny Repaired, Flying and Sailing

2011 August - 2011 A31-9 Destiny Repaired, Flying and Sailing. Photo: P3310040. Destiny In front of our house for clean up!

References in Forum Topics

(Based on contributors tagging their posts with the sail number e.g. A71, 31/3)

'; None


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Ownership history is available only to members of the AOA
or by exception in response to an enquiry through the Contact Us link at the foot of this page.

Sail_No Year BoatName Owner HomePort Condition Rig Engine Notable EVENT Comments
31-92024Seen alive and well in the Dutch Canals
31-92021SailingPeter provides update having just spent three weeks cruising Markermeer, IJselmeer and Friesland. Destny reported in excellent codition.
31-92006Last AOA Membership
31-92011Peter writes of repairs to destiny, including photos of her being lifted over his house! Also pictures of her sailing.
31-92003Contacts AOA with photos of boat - everything working as new
31-91984DestinyBierman, PeterBovendiep, Amsterdam
31-91967Hartog, ARotterdam
31-91964KinkyBryant,CSailingPerkins 55

AOA Bulletin and Press Appearances

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