
Atalanta A88
March 1959
- Other names
- ConditionUnknown
- LocationBritish Columbia
- EngineYanmar YSM 9hp
- Rig
Comments: Sold to Canada. The subject of a fine restoration by a cabinetmaker owner now being restored for family sailing..

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2012 A88 Tenga in USA

2012 A88 Tenga in USA

2012 October - 2012 A88 Tenga in USA. Photo: First day out. On my first day out with a sail up. I only raised the main that day. The following day main and a

A88 is in Cowichan Bay, British Columbia, Canada

2012 October - Hi all, this is just a quick introduction.  I have taken possession of A88 Tenga from John Denny (Thanks soooo much John!) and she’s in the water in Cowichan Bay, B.C.

A88 Tenga for Sale - believed to be in the early 2000s but not certain

A88 Tenga for Sale – believed to be in the early 2000s but not certain

2002 December - Tenga had been owned and restored by a cabinet maker. As can be seen in the picture and in this advert, she is in remarkable condition. A88 Tenga for sale in Canada ‘Click’ on a photo for a slideshow. A88 Tenga for sale in Canada – Details

A88 Tenga restored in 1995

A88 Tenga restored in 1995

1995 February - In the US Tenga is restored to beautiful original condition.

References in Forum Topics

(Based on contributors tagging their posts with the sail number e.g. A71, 31/3)

'; None


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Ownership history is available only to members of the AOA
or by exception in response to an enquiry through the Contact Us link at the foot of this page.

Sail_No Year BoatName Owner HomePort Condition Rig Engine Notable EVENT Comments
A882017RestoringRestoration continues - heater and holding tank on the task list along with berths to accommodate family of 6
A882013O'Rorke, PaulBritish ColumbiaStoringIIn storage
A881995Denny, JohnBrentwood Bay, BC, CanadaSailingYanmar YSM 9hpBoat given to Son of original owner.
A881994McNeelyRestoringTenga passed to cabinetmaker son who commences restoration
A881964McNeely, Dr RossVictoria BC, Canada
A881960Denny, RoyVan Isle Marina, Victoria BC, Canada
A881959TengaCowichan Wooden Boat SocietyVan Isle Marina, Victoria BC, CanadaSailingCov,Vic

AOA Bulletin and Press Appearances

ArchID Type AClass Category Ref Page No Title ABoat ABoat_Name Author APages AComments APrice ASort Link


wdt_ID trophy year awardedto sailno boatname award
20Coupe Bernard1998J DennyA88TengaRestoration of Tenga
252Sinclair2021Bernard MarshallA88SassiFor the excellent 62nd Bulletin