
Atalanta A128
May 1960
- Other namesCadno Gwyn, Tinggi, Topper
- ConditionUnknown
- LocationSouth Wales
- EngineYanmar YSE8
- RigMasthead
Comments: Almost everyone of her eight owners changed her name!
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A128 Echo in 1989-1990

A128 Echo in 1989-1990

2018 February - Pictures of A128 Echo iin 1989 and 1990 kindly provided by Piers Beckett.

References in Forum Topics

(Based on contributors tagging their posts with the sail number e.g. A71, 31/3)

'; None


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Ownership history is available only to members of the AOA
or by exception in response to an enquiry through the Contact Us link at the foot of this page.

Sail_No Year BoatName Owner HomePort Condition Rig Engine Notable EVENT Comments
A1282015Owner does not renew membership
A1282011Purvis, James
A1282005EchoBiggs, ESouth Wales
A1282003Pollard, AlastairRudders Boatyard, S.Wales
A1282002Advertised for sale, £4500
A1281999Cadno GwynMoxom, D
A1281989Yanmar YSE8
A1281988EchoBeckett, PSolva, WalesFor sale at £2500, fair condition
A1281972TinggiOwen, ATMarlowBased Marlow as trailer-sailer
A1281970Poole, Flt. LtNot clear when Flt.Lt Poole bought her
A1281960TopperCollie, Maj RSailingMastheadPerkins 4/99Named after owner's point-to-pointer. Raised cockpit floor

AOA Bulletin and Press Appearances

ArchID Type AClass Category Ref Page No Title ABoat ABoat_Name Author APages AComments APrice ASort Link
432Bulletin26, T,F,31m. Cruises & Cruising1989-9012Buying and sailing EchoA128EchoBeckett P520Link
439Bulletin26, T,F,31m. Cruises & Cruising1990-9112Cruising to Ireland.A128EchoBeckett P320Link
450Bulletin26, T,F,31m. Cruises & Cruising1991-925Cruising to France.A128EchoBeckett P330Link
476Bulletin26, T,F,31m. Cruises & Cruising1993-9410290 miles around the Bristol Channel.A128EchoBeckett P220Link
498Bulletin26, T,F,31m. Cruises & Cruising1995-9631Solva to IrelandA128EchoBeckett P320Link
525Bulletin26, T,F,31m. Cruises & Cruising1998-993Cruise to Kilmore QuayA128EchoBeckett P230Link
536Bulletin26, T,F,31m. Cruises & Cruising1999-008Cruise to IrelandA128EchoBeckett P510Link


wdt_ID trophy year awardedto sailno boatname award
121Etchells1991P BeckettA128EchoBest Log in the Bulletin
129Etchells1999P BeckettA128EchoBest Log in the Bulletin
157Sinclair1990P BeckettA128EchoServices to the AOA