
Atalanta A165
June 1962
- Other namesMavista
- ConditionUnknown
- LocationBirdham, West Sussex
- EnginePerkins 4-108
- Rig
Comments: Built as stock boat. Restored in the 1990s then attends the Uffa Fox Centenary in Cowes in 1998.

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A165 Sloeberry was Mavista pre 1996

2021 May - My father Dr.Peter Ewart Burden re-named this boat. We nearly lost her and our lives once-sailing from Ramsgate on a halcyon day ,force 3 forecast to be caught in squall. My husband was on the tiller 7 hrs, right off course, desperately trying to keep her steady as everything broke or was swamped.My toddler son ...

A165 Sloeberry attends Uffa Fox centenary in Cowes

A165 Sloeberry attends Uffa Fox centenary in Cowes

1998 December - The family of Uffa Fox held a celebration for the centenary of the birth of the great man. The Event was attended by twenty five boats including two Atalantas – and A165 Sloeberry was one of them.The event was written up in the November 1998 edition of Sailing Today.

References in Forum Topics

(Based on contributors tagging their posts with the sail number e.g. A71, 31/3)

'; None


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Ownership history is available only to members of the AOA
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Sail_No Year BoatName Owner HomePort Condition Rig Engine Notable EVENT Comments
A1652011Syrett, Mark
A1652007Reported not in the water for the past 3 years
A1652000Attends South Coast Rally and wins restoration award
A1651998SailingAttends Uffa Fox regatta at Cowes
A1651996Askew, JonathanBirdham, West SussexCommences restoration including finding new mast
A1651993Evans, AdamNorfolk
A1651988StoringWrites to AOA to say boat has been in drive in Norfolk for last 5 years
A1651983Kings LynnLaid up in drive
A1651969Burden, PEWoodbridge
A1651962MavistaArmstrong, TLiverpoolSailingPerkins 4-108Stock boat

AOA Bulletin and Press Appearances

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