
Atalanta A10
February 1957
- Other names
- ConditionPresumedLost
- LocationNewport, USA
- Engine
- Rig
Comments: Sold to the USA (O’Day). Owned by Hoyt, historian of the 12m class and promoter of the Atalanta for O'Day (who bought 20 of them). Extensively trailed and sailed. Mentioned in his book (see Archive-Books)

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Sail_No Year BoatName Owner HomePort Condition Rig Engine Notable EVENT Comments
A101958UnknownSailingThe Hoyts cruised extensively across the USA and Canada in the school holidays, covering many miles. They sell the boat after just a year or so of ownership.
A101957.2F.O.B.Hoyt, Norris DNewport, USAHoyt was historian of the 12m class, and promoted the Atalanta for O'Day (who bought 20 of them). Mentions cruising in F.O.B. in his book (see Archive-Books)
A101957.1O'Day for OwenUSASailing

AOA Bulletin and Press Appearances

ArchID Type AClass Category Ref Page No Title ABoat ABoat_Name Author APages AComments APrice ASort Link
1,302Press26, T,F,31b. Class Reviews and Appreciations1958-06-YUSA59An approach to impluse cruisingA10FOBNorris Hoyt4Yachting (USA). Norris Hoyt describes his purchase of A10 FOB and a holiday involving a long trail and then long sail. Part 2 followed in July00Link
1,303Press26, T,F,31b. Class Reviews and Appreciations1958-07-YUSA65An approach to impluse cruising Part IIA10FOBNorris Hoyt4Yachting (USA). Norris Hoyt describes his purchase of A10 FOB and a holiday involving a long trail and then long sail. Part 1 preceded in June 195800Link


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