Mary Jane of Moreton

Atalanta A22m
April 1959
- Other names
- ConditionRestoring
- LocationNeedham
- EngineNone
- Rig3/4 wood
Comments: Highly detailed 1/8 scale model of A22 complete with working bottlescrews, screwjack raised/lowered keels. Built by carpenter for the original part owner or A22 John Burgess.

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A22m Added to the Register

A22m Added to the Register

2025 February -A22m is a beautiful 1/8 scale model of A22A22, Mary Jane of Morton, was bought new in 1958 by John Burgess and Doctor Green who both lived in Moreton Oxfordshire, sailing her from Chichester Harbour. A22 was named after their wives Mary and Jane.John Burgess worked at the Hydraulics Research Station in Wallingforfd. In the ...

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Sail_No Year BoatName Owner HomePort Condition Rig Engine Notable EVENT Comments
A22m2024Phillips, NickNeedhamRestoringJ Burgess died in 2023 and the family passed the model on for an RNLI donation in his memory. Model in good shape needing minor repairs to one or two fittings.
A22m1959Mary Jane of MoretonJ BurgessMoretonSailing3/4 woodNoneSailing model of A22 made for John Burgess who part owned A22 with Dr Green. John worked at the Hydraulics Research unit at Wallingford and the model was made by a friend/carpenter Ted Crump. 1/8 scale, the model is very detailed with worm gear lifting the gears and working whipstaff tiller.

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