
Atalanta A39
November 1957
- Other namesPenny, Jay Cee
- ConditionRestoring
- LocationDale, Wales
- EngineYanmar YSE12
- Rig
Comments: Second owner has her for 26 years and cruises extensively across Europe. Written about extensively in Rob Woolley's blog. http://faireyatalanta.blogspot.co.nz. Also features in videos on AOA Images-Video page

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Atalanta on eBay

Atalanta on eBay

2013 May - Newly listed – Epenetus Link to

Recommendation: Epenetus Blog

Recommendation: Epenetus Blog

2012 June - I can highly recommend Rob Woolley’s excellent blog (I am sure he wont mind) titled ‘Living with an Atalanta’ . It is a very interesting blog with good photos of Epenetus.   It can be found here:

References in Forum Topics

(Based on contributors tagging their posts with the sail number e.g. A71, 31/3)

Viewing topic 1 (of 1 total)
Viewing topic 1 (of 1 total)


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Ownership history is available only to members of the AOA
or by exception in response to an enquiry through the Contact Us link at the foot of this page.

Sail_No Year BoatName Owner HomePort Condition Rig Engine Notable EVENT Comments
A392022RestoringUnder cover near Dale, West Wales. Being restored. May be for sale in a year or so. If anyone would like to view her, they are very welcome to do so. He welcomes visitors to Dale.
A392013UnknownSeen on ebay. No knowledge of sale.
A392010Thomas, BrianDale, WalesTakes part in the Round Britain Rally. Brian Thomas is a fully qualified boat builder and boat restorer.
A392005EpenetusWoolley, RobSeaton, Devon
A391998Taylor, AndrewYanmar YSE12
A391996Clive awarded Sinclair Trophy for services to AOA
A391995Wallace, Clivebosham
A391994Collins, AllenEmsworthAllen also owns A15
A391993Birdham Shipyard, Chichester contact the AOA to say that they have 'acquired' Epenetus and wish to sell her.
A391990David Litchfield cannot be contacted and contact is lost with the boat.
A391986Litchfield, David
A391985For Sale. Engine needs work.
A391970Etchells - C`ruise to Sardinia
A391969Round the Island Race
A391960EpenetusBiddle, LAUpnor, MedwayNamed after the owner's first cruising boat Epeneta, the first Vertue, in which the owner he won the Little Ship Vertue Cup in 1939
A391957Jay CeeCutbush, JSailing

AOA Bulletin and Press Appearances

ArchID Type AClass Category Ref Page No Title ABoat ABoat_Name Author APages AComments APrice ASort Link
149Bulletin26, T,c. Boat Commentaries1964-654Atalanta - Owners Experience of A39A39EpenetusBiddle L.A.220Link
157Bulletin26, T,F,31m. Cruises & Cruising1965-666Scotland - West Coast - A39A39Epenetus220Link
178Bulletin26, T,F,31m. Cruises & Cruising1966-6718West Coast of France - Epanetus A39A39EpenetusBiddle L.A.220Link
190Bulletin26, T,F,31m. Cruises & Cruising1967-6815Biscay Coast - Six Islands A39A39EpenetusBiddle L.A.320Link
228Bulletin26, T,F,31m. Cruises & Cruising1970-7114Corsica and SardiniaA39EpenetusBiddle L.120Link
244Bulletin26, T,F,31f. Keel Gear1972-734Failure of the Plate Gear.A39EpenetusBiddle, L120Link
257Bulletin26, T,F,31m. Cruises & Cruising1974-752Epenetus in the BalticA39EpenetusBiddle L.120Link
44AOAPaper26, T,F,31c. Boat CommentariesN25 years with Atalanta by L. BiddleA39EpenetusBiddle L000Link
1,372Video26, T,F,31c. Boat CommentariesVA039-1Fairey Atalanta In the Shelter of Seaton BayA39EpenetusRob Wooley0A39 Sailing in Lyme Bay00
1,373Video26, T,F,31c. Boat CommentariesVA039-2Lazy Atalanta SailingA39EpenetusRob Wooley0A39 Sailing in Lyme Bay00
1,374Video26, T,F,31c. Boat CommentariesVA039-3VA039-3 Lyme Bay and no windA39EpenetusRob Wooley0A39 Sailing in Lyme Bay00


wdt_ID trophy year awardedto sailno boatname award
50Atalanta1969LA BiddleA39EpenetaWinner Round the Isle of Wight Race
99Etchells1970L BiddleA39Epeneta IIBest Log in the Bulletin
202Charles Currey2009Rob WoolleyA39EpenetusMost Adventurous Journey