
Atalanta A48
March 1958
- Other namesLaura Sylvia, Lidia, Modestine, Atala
- ConditionDestroyed
- LocationSkeld Marina, Shetland
- EngineKingfisher engine
- RigAlloy mast & boom
Comments: Sailed with Sujanwiz and A1 in the early years. Many name changes but still going strong in the Shetlands.

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Feli broken up.

Feli broken up.

2023 April - A48 Feli has been broken up. She sank at her moring in 2015 during a storm. I got her re floated and took her out of the water. Unfortunately the stern was badly damaged and she sat for a few years on the trailer. She was checked recently and found to be quite rotten in a ...

Original Owner

Original Owner

2018 July - A48 was launched as “ATALA” and was originally owned by John A. Strubbe FRIBA, his wife and children. Interestingly it was John who was responsible for the Black Night Rocket Engine Test site on High Down close to the Needles. A site that has intrigued so many of us while sailing round the Isle ...

References in Forum Topics

(Based on contributors tagging their posts with the sail number e.g. A71, 31/3)

'; None


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Ownership history is available only to members of the AOA
or by exception in response to an enquiry through the Contact Us link at the foot of this page.

Sail_No Year BoatName Owner HomePort Condition Rig Engine Notable EVENT Comments
A482023Slater, BobbyDestroyedFeli was broken up in April. She had been in Orkney for some time before Orkney. Having sunk at her moorings in 2015 and suffering damage to her stern and spent some years awaiting restoration. After inspection in 2023 it was realised the damage and rot put her beyond economic repair. She was carefully dismantled and parts offered for sale and the woodend remains were burnt on a bonfire lit as celebration of the Coronation.
A482015FeliLewis, DavidSkeld Marina, Shetland
A482007Bunning, Steve & JennyOrkney, Scotland
A482005Laura SylviaKenworthy, AlanHeywood
A482003For Sale, £4500
A481997LidiaPaterson, Dr JohnTitchmarsh Marina
A481996ModestineWinner East Coast Race
A481993Lewis, MikeMaldonAlloy mast & boomKingfisher engineMike Lewis of Downs Road yard, Maldon. Lifting wooden rudder issues, keel issues, keel box delamination
A481989Augen, BillRestoringBoat holed below waterline. Wood and glue for repairs acquired
A481985FeliThear, TR.Medway, KentNotified by J Strubbe's son of sale
A481962Takes part in the AOA Yarmouth-Cherbourg race organised by Bernard Argod (Paris importer)
A481958AtalaStrubbe, JSailing

AOA Bulletin and Press Appearances

ArchID Type AClass Category Ref Page No Title ABoat ABoat_Name Author APages AComments APrice ASort Link
506Bulletin26, T,F,31n. AOA Events1996-972East Coast RallyA48ModestineLewis M220Link
574Bulletin26, T,F,31i. Trailers and Trailing2004-054Trailer refitA48LidiaKenworthy A320Link
584Bulletin26, T,F,31o. General2005-060Cover - Sujanwiz, A1 Atalanta and A48 AtalaA48Atala110Link


wdt_ID trophy year awardedto sailno boatname award
1Coupe Bernard1961J StrubbeA48AtalaWinner Solent-Cherbourg Race
72Atalanta1996M. LewisA48ModestineWinner East Coast Race (West Mersea)