
Atalanta A55
May 1957
- Other names
- ConditionRestoring
- LocationCambridgeshire
- EngineFarryman Diesel
- Rig3/4 wood
Comments: Based on Ullswater in 1970s and 80s. The boat spent much of her life in storage awaiting restoration. Recently sold out of a barn on Ebay for restoration.

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A55 For Sale on eBay as restoration project

A55 For Sale on eBay as restoration project

2020 June - A55 is for sale on eBay (finishes 14th June at 14.23) as a restoration project. She has been stored in a barn for a few years. Condition hard to tell exactly from the photos and there are few details in the ad. Although a lot of work would be required there doesn’t seem to be much ...

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Ownership history is available only to members of the AOA
or by exception in response to an enquiry through the Contact Us link at the foot of this page.

Sail_No Year BoatName Owner HomePort Condition Rig Engine Notable EVENT Comments
A552022Lots of work done. Plans for dyneema rigging and tabernacle, and launch in 2023.
A552020Holt, ChristopherCambridgeshireRestoringOwnership transferred to Barry Wham, owner of the barn where she has been stored un touched. Barry sells the boat on eBay for £560 to Chris Holt who intends to restore her and travel through France to the Med. The lug with the pin for hoisting has broken off on one keel
A552006Stored in a barn in Monmouthshire. Apparently one of the keels snaps as she is moved into place
A552004Clark, BarryMonmouthAlso owns A160
A551995Chiswell, DerekManchester
A551994Letter from Bill Sharp stating boat dry-stored since 1979 and now wishes to sell.
A551982For sale
A551981StoringSaunders, stores office Fairey Marine, contacted AOA to pass on request for keel seals from Nautimed SA, Port of Estepona in Spain. Port thought David Routledge was owner, ubt Sharp pointed out that Sue was still in his garage! John Hodgson of A136 saw the offending boat, fawn coloured, and it was clearly not A55 SUE.
A551978Reported for sale
A551973Sharp, Dr AWLake Ullswater
A551969Hudson, JDFell out with AOA Sec, bought A31/10 1973
A551968Bradley, VHJoint owner for some years, became sole owner 1968
A551957SueShaw, GWHampshireSailing3/4 woodFarryman Diesel

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