
Atalanta A70
March 1958
- Other names
- ConditionRestoring
- LocationRoscommon, Eire
- Engine
- Rig
Comments: A70 was the prize in the Daily Express 1958 London Boat Show competition. Most of her life spent in Eire..

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1958 Daily Express Boat Show Prize - An Atalanta!

1958 Daily Express Boat Show Prize – An Atalanta!

2020 April - In 1958 the prize for Daily Express National Boat Show was an Atalanta! Specifically A70 Catalina!John Dixon kindly provided the cutting tin the photograph (much appreciated!) which triggered this post. The AOA Archive has few details of this despite a good while searching archives on the internet. I understand that the ‘December 1958 Fairey ...

References in Forum Topics

(Based on contributors tagging their posts with the sail number e.g. A71, 31/3)

'; None


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Ownership history is available only to members of the AOA
or by exception in response to an enquiry through the Contact Us link at the foot of this page.

Sail_No Year BoatName Owner HomePort Condition Rig Engine Notable EVENT Comments
A702020RestoringOwner contacts AOA. Boat reported in pretty good shape after a few years stored in a shed. Considering getin her back afloat.
A702005UnknownUpdated 2017
A702004Contact regarding AOA subs and past bulletins.
A702000Contact with owner indicates still restoring with keels the next big job, worried that they are completely flush
A701999Walker, KevinRoscommon, EireRestoringNew owner contacts to say that glassfibre has been stripped from topsides and the wood has been epoxied in preparation for varnish. Rear hatch had been raised by 8" by a previous owner
A701998For sale
A701995Kennedt, RichardCo. Offaly Eire
A701991Coady, NicholasTipperaryNicholas Coady contacts AOA for list of boats for sale. Buys A70 again and rejoins AOA
A701984Hession, MartinDungarvan Harbour
A701983Browne, Frank & Hall, PeterWaterford
A701981Foynes, Shannon Estuary
A701977Coady, NLKilgarvan, R.ShannonO'Riodian sels A70 to buy A31/11
A701973O'Riordian, FAOA Eire rep
A701968Crottens, JF & Basset, MajCo.Leith, Eire
A701965Gogerty, DEire
A701962Takes part in the AOA Yarmouth-Cherbourg race organised by Bernard Argod (Paris importer). D Hibberd named as Entrant.
A701959Hibberd, WChandlers FordWinner of the BoatShow prize
A701958CatalinaBoat Show Boat Daily ExpressLondonSailingDaily Express Boat Show Competion prize

AOA Bulletin and Press Appearances

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