
Atalanta A72
March 1958
- Other names
- ConditionPresumedLost
- LocationSuffolk
- EngineVolvo Penta
- Rig
Comments: Built new as Stock boat, shown at The Brussels Boat Show. Believed to have been owned by the RAF Sailing Association for the first decade. .

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A72 Rondar advertised on Gumtree

2014 August - A72 rondar was once sailed by RAF personnel in Singapore and Cyprus, sadly now neglected and for sale. Details and photos here:

References in Forum Topics

(Based on contributors tagging their posts with the sail number e.g. A71, 31/3)

'; None


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Ownership history is available only to members of the AOA
or by exception in response to an enquiry through the Contact Us link at the foot of this page.

Sail_No Year BoatName Owner HomePort Condition Rig Engine Notable EVENT Comments
A722018UnknownPresumedLostAdvertised on Facebook - believed sold.
A722003Hart, MickSuffolkFor sale with trailer. £600
A722002Wilford, JoeWoodbridge
A722000Redling, RobertWalton on the Naze
A721993Contacted again. Still for sale. Work still required.
A721989Contacted AOA - still for sale
A721988Volvo PentaFurther contact to request advice on sale price.Work needed to deck and keel bolts. No trailer. Advised £2500-3000
A721987Abbott, GeraldAOA contact from owner to say that restoration is in progress with keels remaining to be sorted.
A721980RestoringOwner has started working on her
A721977StoringOn the beach at Levington marina in a poor state. Owner says 'when I have disposed of my two other boats I will take her into use'.
A721967Cleverley, Flt Lt RARLevington
A721965RAFSA Cyprus
A721959RAFSA Singapore
A721958RondarBrussells Boat ShowBrussellsSailingBoat show complete with trailer. Register note R.A.FSA

AOA Bulletin and Press Appearances

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