
Atalanta A117
April 1960
- Other namesBacchus
- ConditionDerelict
- LocationTruro, Cornwall
- Engine3cyl Kubota
- Rig
Comments: Sold new as kit. Based South Coast. Stored for restoration in the 2000s. New owner takes her on in 2016.

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Contributed Blog

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A117 Turtle project with trailer, free to be restored

A117 Turtle project with trailer, free to be restored

2021 August -Free for restoration.Turtle is currently sitting on a four wheel trailer in Truro.If someone out there will take her please do, just send a lorry we can pull her on to it. The trailer structure is sound but it would need a complete overhaul to be roadworthy. You need only pay the ...

A117 Turtle May 2018 - progress in Cornwall

A117 Turtle May 2018 – progress in Cornwall

2018 May - Our Secretary Richard has been on his travels, sailing tupperware yachts and popping in on unsuspecting Atalanta Owners. Richard visited Chris Berry in Truro. Chris has taken on A117 Turtle – Turtle had been languishing in a barn for many years. Chris is well on with the often disheartening process of stripping back and seeing ...

A117 Turtle Sizing Up the challenge

A117 Turtle Sizing Up the challenge

2017 January - A117 Turtle Sizing Up the challenge. Photo: IMG_1785.

A117 Turtle on the move after 10 years

A117 Turtle on the move after 10 years

2017 January - A117 Turtle on the move after 10 years. Photo: IMG_1814.

A117 Checking her out

A117 Checking her out

2017 January - A117 Checking her out. Photo: IMG_1804.

A117 Turtle on eBay

A117 Turtle on eBay

2016 November - A117 Turtle on eBay. Photo: s-l1600. As seen on Ebay.

A117 Turtle is still for sale

2013 September - Robert Handley-Fairbairn writes: An update, to say Turtle A117 is still available, so make me an offer. I could break her for 500 and keep the trailer, but I would hate to do it after resisting for 7 years. She is a compl

References in Forum Topics

(Based on contributors tagging their posts with the sail number e.g. A71, 31/3)

'; None


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Ownership history is available only to members of the AOA
or by exception in response to an enquiry through the Contact Us link at the foot of this page.

Sail_No Year BoatName Owner HomePort Condition Rig Engine Notable EVENT Comments
A1172022DerelictAttempts to contact owner fail.
A1172021StoringChris offers Turtle to new home for free due to health issues.
A1172016Berry, ChrisBoat in poor condition. Chris starts restoration.
A1172005Handley-Fairbairn, RobertTruro, CornwallRestoring
A11719803cyl KubotaEngine changed but not clear when from the old registers
A1171977Boles, MichaelAshlett Creek, Fawley, SotonReported owned by Mooring Sec at Esso Sailing Club, Fawley.
A1171970unknownHambleSold through agent Carl Ziegler, who has no record of sale
A1171968Bolliger, Dr Hans
A1171962TurtleMunsell, Peter & Letts, CTSussex
A1171960BacchusPoole, MartinSailingCov Vic

AOA Bulletin and Press Appearances

ArchID Type AClass Category Ref Page No Title ABoat ABoat_Name Author APages AComments APrice ASort Link
694Bulletin26, T,F,31o. General2013-140Cover - Walrus in CroatiaA117Walrus110Link


wdt_ID trophy year awardedto sailno boatname award