Trientje P

Atalanta A124
November 1960
- Other namesHelene, Rakshi, Helen's Folly
- ConditionSailing
- LocationDitzum, NW Germany
- EngineYanmar 1GM
- Rig3/4 Wood
Comments: Shares Pensarn with A71 Blue Jackaroo and A60 Achates in 1986. Extensive restoration in the 1980s. Remains very original and true to the original ‘lightweight’ yacht.

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Contributed Blog

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A124 To Friesland

A124 To Friesland

2024 March - A124 travelled to Friesland for a new life sailing in the Ems estuary and around the Friesian Islands. She joins A112 and A90 who are already in the area. The journey was uneventful. We look forward to reading all about her adventures in the future.

Helene is for sale - £4500 or best offer - SOLD

Helene is for sale – £4500 or best offer – SOLD

2023 August - A124 Helene — a British Classic with a Big Personality — is offered for sale. She is sound, well looked after and a pleasure to sail. Very comfortable cockpit. Helene has benefited from extensive work and improvements over the last 15 or so years, all of which are well documented. Most recent improvements include: work ...

Alde & Ore Rally - Diversion

Alde & Ore Rally – Diversion

2023 July - We left Wrabness at 4 on Thursday and spent the night in Hamford Water. Weather fantastic and the Backwaters magic.This morning we sailed out and up the coast choosing to divert to the Deben given SWly wind forecast for Sunday Monday. Fantastic sail to the Haven buoy sailing into the river at half tide. Up ...

Two Atalantas on the River Stour together on Midsummer's day

Two Atalantas on the River Stour together on Midsummer’s day

2023 June - A89 Colchide and A124 Helene arranged to meet on the River Stour on Midsummer’s day. Is this the first time two Atalantas have sailed together  this year? 

Helene's cabin update

Helene’s cabin update

2023 May - This spring the painters and decorators had a go at updating Helene’s cabin. Interesting comparison with Nick’s 2015 photo below.

New mylar keel gaskets

New mylar keel gaskets

2023 May - Following work this spring to address water ingress along the bottom of Helene’s keel boxes, new slot gaskets were installed using Hawk 150mm mylar gasket material obtained from RS Sailing. The badly corroded steel bands running along the sides were replaced with 1 inch grey PVC convex keel rubbing streak from Seaware. The same material ...

Centre line repairs

Centre line repairs

2023 March -   Over the last several years water has leaked into Helene’s forward cabin. The amount was relatively small – more annoying than anything else – but something was not right. Everything pointed to the sand keel and what was beneath it, so in the autumn it was removed in its entirety. The screws holding the sand ...

Winter Quarters, 2021/22

Winter Quarters, 2021/22

2022 November - This is a late, but nevertheless. Helene was lifted on 18 October 2021 at Mistley Marine on the River Stour in Essex. It proved to be a somewhat quirky but very pleasant winter quarters. Over the next 6.5 months the following works were undertaken:New top-loading primary fuel filter & new fuel lines installed under port-side cockpit ...

A124 Helene reaches new heights

A124 Helene reaches new heights

2022 May - I popped by to help ready Helene for final fitting out tasks – putting her ‘in the air’ for work inside the keelboxes on the new posts at the rear. It is both humbling and delightful when a prized possession you have passed on is taken to new heights of care by the new owner. I thought ...

The Wrabness tender mystery. Part 2

2021 September -   On taking over a boat it is common to inherit a certain number of “special” items. Dredged from the depths of locker or lazarette, damp and probably rusty, their identity and role is anybody’s guess. With no immediately obvious use, they are apt to be re-interred and forgotten about. But we are getting ahead of ...

The Wrabness tender mystery. Part 1

The Wrabness tender mystery. Part 1

2021 September -  The plan was for an overnight to Pin Mill or the Walton Backwaters. We left Manningtree under sail around 1130 anticipating the ebb, without even a cat’s paw of breeze. The sun soon burned away what remained of the morning mist, and the upper reaches of the River Stour, smooth and sparkling, opened before us. ...

Cockpit comfort – orientation and curves

Cockpit comfort – orientation and curves

2021 July - Since the mid-1990 I have owned a number of small boats including a Devon Yawl, Cornish Shrimper, Cornish Crabber (Mk 1), Kingfisher 22+ (jink rig), Anderson 26 (lifting keeI), Golden Hind and Frances 26 (cutter). They all had their special qualities, but whether wood or GRP, not one had a particularly comfortable cockpit.   Having sailed Helene ...

The times they are a changing, dear Maurice

The times they are a changing, dear Maurice

2021 July - To escape the worst of the expected heatwave I thought I would visit what has quickly become my favourite anchorage, and do some relaxed mud listening. After a beat down the Stour in a light breeze, a quick passage through Harwich harbour, and a broad reach down toward the red No 2 off Crabknowe Spit, ...

Keel bolt covers: "Sikaflex - Ugh!"

Keel bolt covers: “Sikaflex – Ugh!”

2021 May - This will be my last post on Helene’s Boat Blog as owner. In fact although started before the sale it is being published after handover to Jim, the new owner. Due to a variety of factors including Covid-19 and a house move I had the pleasure of working with Jim on fitting out. I ...

A124 meets A1 - not for the first time?

A124 meets A1 – not for the first time?

2020 July - A124 Helene was launched at last on Monday (with much thanks to Mike Dixon for driving miles to assist). It felt good to have water under the keel again and looking forward to some great sailing in the rest of the season. A124 has managed to borrow a berth right by A1.  I suspect they have met ...

A124 Helene gets new electrics panel

A124 Helene gets new electrics panel

2017 July - Helene had been professionally rewired before I bought her. There were one or two aspects I didn’t like, mainly that some of the cable routing was very visible, the sockets provided were of the DIN format and there was no volt meter or ammeter. I also managed to damage one of the switch fuse ...

A124 Helene gets her old boom back with slab reefing

A124 Helene gets her old boom back with slab reefing

2017 June - Helene’s previous owner had invested in the hope of a return in silverware. Helene (3/4 rig, wooden mast) had been set up with new sails and gear for racing. This included leading main halyard and topping lift aft to the cockpit. A significant downside in this approach for me was the aesthetic blight of an ...

A124 Keels and their mechanism

A124 Keels and their mechanism

2017 May - The keels, keel brackets and clamping plates all looked in excellent condition but I wanted to get them out to check. I got the boat in the air and prepared to remove the first of the bolt-covers and discovered that they were glued in place. The person who had last had them off ...

A124 Replacement Windows

A124 Replacement Windows

2017 May - The windows on Helene were very cloudy and needed replacing. There is a lot of excellent information in bulletins about how to replace them so I got stuck in. The only variation to established practice I adopted was the use of closed cell sealing tape in place of the more usual butyl tape. ...

Lifting the boat from the trailer

Lifting the boat from the trailer

2017 April - I adapted a methodology for lifting the boat off the trailer that I have used for other boats. It involves a cross-beam with a jack at each end. In the past I have dropped the nose of the trailer, positioned a cradle under the stern of a boat, and then used the beam to ...

A124 Engine Tidy Up

A124 Engine Tidy Up

2015 May - The engine was not in bad condition but needed a tidy and paint up. Some of the ancilliaries and pipework were a bit untidy. I removed the cockpit floor and the engine to clean up the engine bay. The whole of the engine way is lined with 35mm foil backed sound insulation which is ...

Blister Repairs

Blister Repairs

2015 May - The join between the deck and blister was distressed at the forward end. Upon investigation it was clear that the laminated ‘quadrant’ in this corner was delaminating and there was evidence of water ingress on the centreline at the forward end of the blister. There were also cracks in the surface near the centreline of ...

A124 Foredeck Repairs

A124 Foredeck Repairs

2015 May - The foredeck didn’t seem too bad away from the Blister (coachroof). However on investigation it transpired that the top veneer was breaking up in a few areas, particularly in the corners on the ‘uphill’ side of the deck slats. Treatment was relatively simple as there were no complete holes. The ‘king plank’ ...

A124 Helene Aft Deck Repairs

A124 Helene Aft Deck Repairs

2015 May - The decks appeared to need some paint. Sadly on investigation it turned out that areas were delaminating and that the stern deck on the starboard side had been badly repaired in the past and was shot! The deck framing, although not generally rotten, was also weak and at some point a post had been ...

A124 Helene - Renovations

A124 Helene – Renovations

2015 April - I bought Helene in 2007 expecting to do some light renovation of the decks and then get sailing. I got her home and started the work.And then I made my first mistake…..I built a large ‘tent’ around he from scaffolding and tarpaulins so that I could work in the dry. The second ...

A124 For Sale in 2007 - Eastern Yachtbrokers SOLD

A124 For Sale in 2007 – Eastern Yachtbrokers SOLD

2007 December - Extensively restored in 1999-2000 and then used on the East Coast. For sale in Essex having been stored for a couple of years. The ‘For Sale Details’ and a 2006 Survey can be seen in this document. ‘Click’ on a photo for a slideshow.

A124 Helen's Folly 1970s Restoration

A124 Helen’s Folly 1970s Restoration

1977 June - Helen’s Folly was restored from a garage of bits in the late 1970s

References in Forum Topics

(Based on contributors tagging their posts with the sail number e.g. A71, 31/3)

Viewing topic 1 (of 1 total)
Viewing topic 1 (of 1 total)


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Ownership history is available only to members of the AOA
or by exception in response to an enquiry through the Contact Us link at the foot of this page.

Sail_No Year BoatName Owner HomePort Condition Rig Engine Notable EVENT Comments
A1242024Trientje PName changed reflecting name of owner's Grandmother. The name was previously used on A110 which has been returned to original name.
A1242023Viet, Hans-ErichDitzum, NW GermanyHans purchases A124 to sail while actively restoring A95.
A1242022Aft vertical timbers of keelboxes replaced as a result of tracking down persistent leaks. Leaks reduced but still present. Improvements to cockpit floor and bulkhead under whipstaff bearing. Takes part in the Uffa Fox 50 celebrations in Cowes, sailing down from Ipswich
A1242021Sumberg, JimManningtree, Essex
A1242020Ipswich, SuffolkPump-out toilet removed and replaced with chemical toilet
A1242018Limited time afloat. Stilll in excellent condition.
A1242017East CoastContinued completion through the year, conversion to slab reef with original boom. SPends summer without home mooring on the East Coast
A1242015SailingFinally relaunched. Wins E.Coast Race.
A1242007Phillips, NickNorwichRestoringDeck restoration required
A1242000HeleneMitchel, Carol & MichaelWalton on the NazeNew sails with headsails on foil. Extensive keel, keel box, cockpit rebuild and toerails at Robertsons Woodbridge
A1241993RakshiYanmar 1GMNearly new 1GM fitted
A1241988Winteringham, GrahamNeyland, Milford HavenExtensive restoration
A1241986Black, JohnPensarnJohn used to own F46. Now berthed in PenSarn alongside Blue Jackaroo and Achates.
A1241982Lane, RR.Ribble, LancashireWas for sale at £4500
A1241976Holter, GGMaylandseaNot afloat since 1972. Launched after extensive restoration
A1241972ConstableBerkhampsteadAshore on Trailer
A1241968Carey, HelenPoole
A1241960Helen's FollyWilson, JPooleSailing3/4 Wood14hp Coventy VictorBought through Kelpe Boats. Reg. No. 302349 Poole

AOA Bulletin and Press Appearances

ArchID Type AClass Category Ref Page No Title ABoat ABoat_Name Author APages AComments APrice ASort Link
289Bulletin26, T,F,31o. General1977-780Cover - A124 Helen's Folley relaiunchedA124Helene110Link
326Bulletin26, T,F,31h. Rudder & Self Steering1979-8027Mods to Helen's Folly. Rudder Downhall, Leeboards/backrests/double berth,Engine compartment bilge pump,Forehatch Security Latch.Big Genny, Radar Reflector, the LogA124Helen's FollyHolter G.G.010Link
312Bulletin26, T,F,31m. Cruises & Cruising1979-805Seine Bay CircularA124Helen's FollyHolter G.G.110Link
333Bulletin26, T,F,31d. Engines1980-8114An Engine OverhaulA124Helen's FollyHolter G.110Link
342Bulletin26, T,e. Rig, Sails and Tuning1980-8130Masthead Spinnaker. (Short Article)A124Helen's FollyHolter, G010Link
341Bulletin26, T,F,31j. Interior - Mods, Equipment & Gadgetry1980-8129Parallel Rule-A New Type.A124Helen's FollyHolter, G010Link
337Bulletin26, T,F,31n. AOA Events1980-8124Annual Atalanta Race 1980A124Helen's FollyHolter J.110Link
327Bulletin26, T,F,31o. General1980-810Cover - A124 Helen's Folly at BlakeneyA124Helen's Folly110Link
352Bulletin26, T,F,31m. Cruises & Cruising1981-8220How Not to Start the SeasonA124Helen's FollyHolter G.110Link
353Bulletin26, T,F,31m. Cruises & Cruising1981-8221Friesian Frieze 1981A124Helen's FollyHolter G.110Link
350Bulletin26, T,F,31n. AOA Events1981-8218Atalanta Meet, East CoastA124Helen's FollyHolter J.110Link
351Bulletin26, T,F,31n. AOA Events1981-8219Atalanta Race 1981A124Helen's FollyHolter J.110Link
364Bulletin26, T,F,31c. Boat Commentaries1982-8319Lament for Helen's FollyA124Helen's Folly110Link
505Bulletin26, T,F,31j. Interior - Mods, Equipment & Gadgetry1996-9719Cabin pillarA124RakshiWinteringham G120Link
541Bulletin26, T,F,31o. General2000-010Cover - A124 Rakshi by Graham WinteringhamA124Rakshi110Link
723Bulletin26, T,F,31k. Exterior - Mods, Equipment & Gadgetry2015-1626Window updateA124HelenePhillips N310Link
719Bulletin26, T,F,31n. AOA Events2015-1632East Coast RallyA124HelenePhillips N310Link
751Bulletin26, T,e. Rig, Sails and Tuning2017-1824Wooden Boom Roller to Slab ReefingA124HelenePhillips, N410Link
749Bulletin26, T,g. Hull and Decks2017-1819LifelinesA124HelenePhillips, N110Link
753Bulletin26, T,F,31o. General2017-1836Flares and safetyA124HelenePhillips, N110Link
770Bulletin26, T,F,31f. Keel Gear2018-1942Stirrup Bolts - an alternative solutionA124HeleneNick Phillips220Link
765Bulletin26, T,F,31n. AOA Events2018-1932East Coast Cruise in Company, Race and RallyA124HeleneNick Phillips320Link
781Bulletin26, T,F,31n. AOA Events2020-21142020 East Coast Cruise in CompanyA124HeleneNick Phillips920Link
805Bulletin26, T,F,31m. Cruises & Cruising2022-234A late Summer cruise on A124 Helene - adventures of B.BlisterA124HeleneJ Sumberg10Billy Blister ships aboard A124 Helene for the cruise from Harwich to Cowes and back, taking the Uffac Fox 50th celebrations and ports along the coast. In the article we learn about Billy's life history and approach to Atalanta sailing.00Link
821Bulletin26, T,F,31m. Cruises & Cruising2023-2418AOA 2023 Ore and Alde cruise - The Unbelievable TruthA124HeleneJim Sumberg4The cruise in company to the Ore and Alde was reconfigured for the River Deben due to weather. The story is told as a homage to the Radio 4 comedy panel show 'The Unbelievable Trith'00Link
1,381Video26, T,F,31c. Boat CommentariesVA124-1VA124-1 Helene sailing off Walton 2021A124HeleneBrian Sadler0Helene sailing off Harwich00
1,393Video26, T,F,31i. Trailers and TrailingVP-Lift2AOA - Trailer Boat Lift Mk 2 - 4 JacksA124HeleneNick Phillips0Video showing method of lifting an Atalanta off its trailer using Hi-lift jacks and trestles.00
1,394Video26, T,F,31i. Trailers and TrailingVP-Lift3AOA - Trailer Boat Lift Mk 2 - 4 Jacks Live ActionA124HeleneNick Phillips0Video showing method of lifting an Atalanta off its trailer using Hi-lift jacks and trestles.00


wdt_ID trophy year awardedto sailno boatname award
56Atalanta1980G. G. HolterA124Helen’s FollyWinner East Coast Race (West Mersea)
57Atalanta1981G. G. HolterA124Helen’s FopllyWinner East Coast Race (West Mersea)
91Atalanta2015Nick PhillipsA124HeleneWinner East Coast Race (West Mersea)
179Sinclair2013Nick PhillipsA124HeleneServices to the AOA
182Sinclair2016Nick PhillipsA124HeleneServices to the AOA
196Odling2015Nick PhillipsA124HeleneBest Technical Article: Atalanta windows
217Atalanta2018Nick PhillipsA124HeleneWinner East Coast Race (West Mersea)
242Etchells2020Nick PhillipsA124HeleneBest published log - East Coast Cruise in Company