
Atalanta A133
June 1960
- Other namesAnn Grey
- ConditionUnknown
- LocationDysart, Scotland
- EngineBMW D7
- Rig3/4
Comments: Takes part in 2010 Round Britain Rally after extensive and thorough restoration.

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Sail_No Year BoatName Owner HomePort Condition Rig Engine Notable EVENT Comments
A1332022Spotted by the new owner of A161 Amber Ellen - Trefor Goronwy, in Fife in November 2022. Following up .....
A1332010SailingTakes part in Round Britain Rally
A1332005Restoration continues - hoping to launch this year after new engine
A1332003ScallywagFinlay , CharlesDysart, ScotlandSpends year stripping decks and interior back to wood.
A1332001Boat afloat, mast not stepped. For sale £4000 due to lack of time
A1331998RestoringKeels refurbishment begins
A1331994Fortune, J&JDysart Harbour
A1331993For Sale £3750
A1331991Jarvis, DStonehavenSailingBMW D7New owner also had A126 (wrecked).
A1331990Oare, KentOwner working abroad. For Sale
A1331985RestoringBuys trailer and starts refit.
A1331984For Sale
A1331982For Sale at £3200, then decides to keep. Owner accident to leg is troublesome.
A1331979Norfolk, DavidGillingham, KentLies alongside A59 Julietta (Hilder)
A1331975Simpson, DKent/Sussex
A1331972Waring, G
A1331964Robson, JByfleet
A1331960Ann GreySalkeld, RBournemouthSailing3/4Cov Vic 16hp

AOA Bulletin and Press Appearances

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