
Atalanta A144
March 1961
- Other names
- ConditionStoring
- LocationWexford, Eire
- EngineKobota 14hp diesel with Cov Vic gearbox
- Rig
Comments: Built with a second blister over the aft cabin (similar to A65 Joann). This was removed in 2004. Boat in Ireland since 1975

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A144 CYN For Sale - offers

A144 CYN For Sale – offers

2018 June - Yet another year has passed and I haven’t had time to touch Cyn. She is complete and watertight wooden mast and a yanmar engine which isn’t fitted. There is a rough yard trailer Located 30min from Rosslare port €1500 euro / offers if it’s going to be restored

A144 Cyn for Sale SOLD

A144 Cyn for Sale SOLD

2013 September - A144 Cyn for Sale.

References in Forum Topics

(Based on contributors tagging their posts with the sail number e.g. A71, 31/3)

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Ownership history is available only to members of the AOA
or by exception in response to an enquiry through the Contact Us link at the foot of this page.

Sail_No Year BoatName Owner HomePort Condition Rig Engine Notable EVENT Comments
A1442022UnknownCyn is donated a group of local sailers based in Wexford town.
A1442018StoringFor Sale
A1442014Byrne, MickRestoring
A1442004SailingRemoves aft blister & replaces hatch. 21 months in shed
A1442003Herterich, DavidWexford, EireKobota 14hp diesel with Cov Vic gearboxDavid carries out significant restoration including engine, spars and deck strengthen
A1442000Martin, David
A1441997Carnody, DavidCov.Victor starting handle breaks owners arm!
A1441978Darlington, ArthurTrailer made
A1441977O'Hara, ALucan, Ireland
A1441976Owner posted to Germany. Tows boat as far as Holland but not allowed to import to Germany
A1441975Laue, WolfgangKinney, Ireland
A1441974Newell, AJWrexham
A1441969Goodman, P
A1441965Moggridge,Rive Exe, Devon
A1441962Takes part in the AOA Yarmouth-Cherbourg race organised by Bernard Argod (Paris importer)
A1441961CynErcolani, LucienBoshamSailingCov VicOwner part of Ercol furniture firm. Built with second blister over the aft cabin hatch (similar A65 Joann)

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