
Atalanta A147
February 1961
- Other namesBenedicite,
- ConditionRestoring
- LocationSouthampton
- EngineBeta 20
- RigMasthead
Comments: Sold new as kit. Restoration in 2000s interrupted when a tree falls on the boat! Takes part in the 2010 Round Britain Rally.

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A147 Chamois to the Western Isles-Day 1-12th July

2014 July - Ballindean to Kilmelford

2011 A147 Chamois in Soctland

2011 A147 Chamois in Soctland

2011 July - 2011 A147 Chamois in Soctland. Photo: A147 Chamois. Chamois heading off towards Dorus Mor

2010 A90 and A147 Sail Scotland W.Coast

2010 A90 and A147 Sail Scotland W.Coast

2011 April - 2010 A90 and A147 Sail Scotland W.Coast. Photo: 18. Mourn Goblin from Chamois July ’10.

References in Forum Topics

(Based on contributors tagging their posts with the sail number e.g. A71, 31/3)

'; None


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Ownership history is available only to members of the AOA
or by exception in response to an enquiry through the Contact Us link at the foot of this page.

Sail_No Year BoatName Owner HomePort Condition Rig Engine Notable EVENT Comments
A1472024Shacklock, JamesSouthamptonRestoringA147 damaged due to accident whilst transporting from Scotland to Southampton. Repairs making good progress.
A1472022Boat still actively sailing. Up for Sale,
A1472017Non-Atalanta owner sends photoss of Chamois sailing on West Coast.
A1472010Beta 20Takes part in the AOA Round Britain Rally Inverness to Largs
A1472005Extended coachroof, and boom raised.
A1472001RestoringBoat laid up whilst house built. Restoration starts, ,tree falls on boat and damages hull.
A1471995Kilmelford, ScotlandBukh 1cyl 10hp
A1471983Balvicar, Scotland
A1471975ChamoisWard, GeorgeDunfermline
A1471971BenediciteGregory, Rev. RB
A1471966Chillingworth, THM
A1471961ChamoisWallis Marine for Dr KaulaBembridgeRestoringMastheadBMC 1.5 DieselSold as a kit

AOA Bulletin and Press Appearances

ArchID Type AClass Category Ref Page No Title ABoat ABoat_Name Author APages AComments APrice ASort Link
234Bulletin26, T,F,31f. Keel Gear1971-723Removal of Keels, other modsand a Successful Cruise BenediciteA147BenediciteGregory R.120Link
804Bulletin26, T,F,31b. Class Reviews and Appreciations2022-233Memories of childhood sailing holidays on ChamoisA147ChamoisMorag Ward2Morag Ward describes her memories exploring the coast of Scotland aboard A147 Chamois. The boat has been owned by her father for 48 years and sailed byt the family in almost all of those years.00Link


wdt_ID trophy year awardedto sailno boatname award
239John Searle2005George WardA147Chamois
265Etchells2023Morag WardA147ChamoisAccount of cruises in Scotland on Chamois