
Atalanta A151
October 1961
- Other namesGirl Friend, Tui of Rosenheath,
- ConditionRestoring
- LocationManchester
- EngineCov Vic 16hp
- Rig3/4, Metal
Comments: Sold new as Stock boat exhibited at Boat Show. A very brief sojourn in Spain. Features at the Greenwich Wooden Boat Show in 1992.

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Sail_No Year BoatName Owner HomePort Condition Rig Engine Notable EVENT Comments
A1512024RestoringAshore on her trailer for 5 years since last cruise. Refit and repairs started last summer with intention of her transfer to a new owner on completion. Repairs to hull and hatches completed. Cockpit still requires renovation and engine overhaul required. Rig and trailer all need overaul. Some re-laminating with aeroglazeMinor repairs to hull on the stern, renovation to forward hatch and to both sliding hatches, all completed. Hull rubbed down to wood, primed and undercoated. Major renovation still needed on cockpit seating area and sliding deck. Full overhaul needed on engine which was flooded after failure of bilge pump. Engine controls and 12v system all require work. Metal mast and standing rigging in good order but need cleaning. Running rigging, jib foil and cordage all need checking and cleaning. Trailer needs repainting. Wheel bearing and tyres to be surveyed.
A1512012MisturaCoxon, JohnLiverpool, Coburg DockSailing
A1512010Girl FriendHart, David
A1512006Tui of RosenheathMorris, RobinGlasgow3/4, MetalMast breaks and replaced with aluminium 12" longer.
A1512002Boat put for sale. Initially £9800 then at £8000.
A1511992Having fully restored Mistura Dave shows her at the at the 1992 Wooden Boat Show at Greenwich.
A1511987Dallow, DavePen Sarn
A1511979Brady, Mr JHullbridge, EssexFound to be too small by previous owner so trailed back to England and put on the market for £4600. New owner previously owned F9 Petronella
A1511978Fisher, RogerSpainBought for £4500. Immediately trailed to Spain with intention of trailer-sailing around S.Europe. First base Alicante.
A1511975Bickley, MrsPooleFitted out immaculately
A1511961MisturaGreene, DrSailingMasthead, WoodCov Vic 16hpStock boat, Boat Show boat

AOA Bulletin and Press Appearances

ArchID Type AClass Category Ref Page No Title ABoat ABoat_Name Author APages AComments APrice ASort Link
314Bulletin26, T,F,31j. Interior - Mods, Equipment & Gadgetry1979-809Improving Mistura. Stowing, Reefing, Pumping, SleepingA151MisturaRoger Fisher,010Link
315Bulletin26, T,F,31k. Exterior - Mods, Equipment & Gadgetry1979-809Improving Mistura. Stowing, Reefing, Pumping, SleepingA151MisturaRoger Fisher,010Link
376Bulletin26, T,F,31c. Boat Commentaries1983-8417An AppreciationA151MisturaBrady J.H.310Link
1,323Press26,o. General1992-10-PBO28Wood is Still Good -Wooden Boat Show, GreenwichA151MisturaDave Greenwell0Practical Boat Owner. Atalanta A151 M istura - was exhibited at the show- there is a colour picture of her on page 28.00Link
458Bulletin26, T,F,31j. Interior - Mods, Equipment & Gadgetry1992-934Refitting MisturaA151MisturaDallow D220Link
459Bulletin26, T,F,31k. Exterior - Mods, Equipment & Gadgetry1992-934Refitting MisturaA151MisturaDallow D220Link
454Bulletin26, T,F,31o. General1992-930Cover - A151 Mistura at GreenwichA151Mistura110Link


wdt_ID trophy year awardedto sailno boatname award
159Sinclair1992D DallowA151MisturaServices to the AOA