
Atalanta A155
July 1961
- Other names
- ConditionDerelict
- LocationIsle of Man
- EngineCov Vic WN4
- Rig3/4 Rig
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A155 Miranda - Still Alive

A155 Miranda – Still Alive

2021 March - A chance contact with the original owners of T10 Calista led to a photo of Calista with A155 Miranda in the background which, with thanks to the AOA bloodhound which is our Secretary, in turn led to an update on Miranda’s whereabouts and condition.A155 is still with us, just, although she requires very ...

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Ownership history is available only to members of the AOA
or by exception in response to an enquiry through the Contact Us link at the foot of this page.

Sail_No Year BoatName Owner HomePort Condition Rig Engine Notable EVENT Comments
A1552022Some parts recovered on behalf of AOA parts scheme. Owner plans to strip remains and scrap the boat.
A1552020Miranda is still in Peter's garden under a cover.
A1552018DerelictSadly Miranda has deteriorated beyond economic repair. Peter seeks to find a home her parts.3/2021 Hello,Yes, Miranda is still on the island but sadly not in a good state. She was taken out of the water about 20 years ago and apparently looks very unhappy sitting covered in tarpaulin in the garden in Glen Maye. I didn’t ask if Peter was still around but I think his wife would have brought him to the phone if he was. She did mention that a young man was keen to restore Miranda but once he saw the boat said he couldn’t afford the amount of work that had to be done. What a pity. In case you wanted to follow it up, the telephone number is 01624 842121.
A1552003RestoringNew transom fitted
A1551986Waters, PeterIsle of ManRestoring
A1551978Cubbon, SHPort St Mary, Isle of Man
A1551974Richardson, ColinChichester
A1551970Maskell, P
A1551965Noble, DC
A1551961MirandaGp.Capt EllisHambleSailing3/4 RigCov Vic WN4

AOA Bulletin and Press Appearances

ArchID Type AClass Category Ref Page No Title ABoat ABoat_Name Author APages AComments APrice ASort Link
348Bulletin26, T,F,31n. AOA Events1981-8211Irish Sea Area RallyA155MirandaCubbo S.H.110Link
360Bulletin26, T,F,31n. AOA Events1982-8312Irish Sea Area RallyA155MirandaCubbo S.H.110Link


wdt_ID trophy year awardedto sailno boatname award
148Sinclair1981SH CubbonA155MirandaServices to the AOA
149Sinclair1982SH CubbonA155MirandaServices to the AOA