Jane Duck

Atalanta A158
January 1962
- Other names
- ConditionPresumedLost
- LocationSeattle, USA
- EngineLister SL2
- RigMasthead
Comments: Sold new as kit. Completed from a kit (owner’s brother simultaneously completed A159 from kit too). Joins the USA fleet in the 1980s.

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Sail_No Year BoatName Owner HomePort Condition Rig Engine Notable EVENT Comments
A1582006Caen, MichaelSeattle, USANo contact from new owner.
A1581981Eagle Hbr, Bainbridge Island, USARichard takes the boat to the Washington DC USA
A1581980Smith, RichardHeswall, CheshireRichard had studied Atalanta architecturally through the AOA and drawings whilst studying architecture in Liverpool. Then bought A158.
A1581971Owner has fatal accident in the boat. Widow keeps the boat laid up.
A1581962Jane DuckPartington, J.E.BoltonRestoringMastheadLister SL2Sold as a kit. Brother bought A159 also as a kit.

AOA Bulletin and Press Appearances

ArchID Type AClass Category Ref Page No Title ABoat ABoat_Name Author APages AComments APrice ASort Link
1,319Press26,b. Class Reviews and Appreciations1986-09-48NAtalanta 26: Uffa Fox’s Flying SailboatA158Richard A Smith048° North. By the former owner of A158 Jane Duck.00Link
1,341Press26, T,F,31b. Class Reviews and Appreciations2002-06-GOB32George O'Day ProfileA158Jane DuckRichard Smith5Good Old Boat magazine (USA). Richard describes his time with A158 with some lovely anecdotes about other Atalanta sailors too.00Link
1,352Press26,b. Class Reviews and Appreciations2006-05-GOB122006-05 Good Old Boat - Uffas Great Lifesaving Design - My Life with A158A158Jane DuckRichard Smith5Good Old Boat magazine (USA). Richard describes his time with A158 with some lovely anecdotes about other Atalanta sailors too.00Link
1,356Press26,b. Class Reviews and Appreciations2007-04-GOBTaking the groundA158Jane DuckRichard Smith0Good Old Boat Magazine (USA). Illustrated article about Jane Duck A158 when she was based at Heswall on the Dee Estuary. AOA has a photocopy.00Link
1,357Press26,b. Class Reviews and Appreciations2007-07-TKN4Taking the groundA158Jane DuckRichard Smith3Twin Keeler Newsletter. Illustrated article about Jane Duck A158 when she was based at Heswall on the Dee Estuary. Same articles published in Good Old Boat 2007. AOA has a photocopy.00Link


wdt_ID trophy year awardedto sailno boatname award