
Atalanta A181
April 1967
- Other names
- ConditionDestroyed
- LocationBournemouth
- EngineYanmar 8hp
- Rig
Comments: 1965 Boat Show boat. Seriously damaged in 1974, restored and sinks on her mooring in 1989. Recovered after 9 months in the water but restoration never completed.

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Sail_No Year BoatName Owner HomePort Condition Rig Engine Notable EVENT Comments
A1811998DestroyedSteve concludes boat is too rotten to continue rebuild. Boat destroyed November
A1811996Clegg, SteveBournemouthRestoration continues
A1811994For Sale`
A1811990Wood, RolandRestoringRescued by Roland
A1811989StoringSinks on mooring and left submerged for 9 months.
A1811986Yanmar 8hp
A1811982Graham, AChristchurch
A1811980Thorpe, IAMaldonOwner once owned A37
A1811978Daubney, HChatham, KentSailing
A1811974RestoringAccident causes serious damage above the waterline in the bow.
A1811967CirdanParker, ITHambleSailing1965 Boat Show boat

AOA Bulletin and Press Appearances

ArchID Type AClass Category Ref Page No Title ABoat ABoat_Name Author APages AComments APrice ASort Link
21Advert26, T,F,31a. Brochures & AdvertsPR-1960-BoatparkPR 1960 Fairey Boat Park - incl A146 Sherpa A181 Cirdan A174 CordylA146,A181,A174000Link


wdt_ID trophy year awardedto sailno boatname award