
Atalanta A182
January 1965
- Other names
- ConditionStoring
- LocationVirginia Beach, USA
- Engine4cyl Perkins
- RigAluminium Masthead
Comments: Sold to the USA and trailed Bahamas and Florida. Stored for 20 years.

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A182 Skimmer - Restoration Project (Virginia Beach, US)

A182 Skimmer – Restoration Project (Virginia Beach, US)

2021 January - A182 Skimmer has been in storage in Virginia Beach, USA, since 1985 in a tent, and been kept dry. She is now looking for someone to complete her restoration.She is lying in Virginia Beach.Please contact Daniel Hardesty  danhardesty83 with @)HistoryA182 Skimmer was Hull no 195 of the 26 foot Atalantas in the Fairey ...

References in Forum Topics

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Ownership history is available only to members of the AOA
or by exception in response to an enquiry through the Contact Us link at the foot of this page.

Sail_No Year BoatName Owner HomePort Condition Rig Engine Notable EVENT Comments
A1822023Contact with owner. Boat is still available to anyone who wants to take her on.
A1822020Hardesty, JamesOwner gets in contact. Fills in some of the history and is now looking for someone to take on the restoration.
A1822005StoringFor sale, not launched since restoration started in 1985. Boat stored undercover. Engine still runs.
A1821986Repairs to transom, rubbing strakes removed to make repairs.
A1821985Brought ashore to avoid Hurricane Gloria and restoration started.
A1821980Rod White (A146) visits James Hardesty and is impressed with work on A182. Owner is stripping flaking paint all over to bare wood, three layers of epoxy and repainting. Green hull, blue 'shoulders' and varnished blister.
A1821979Hardesty, James SnrKeels seized - new stainless bolts. Keel mountings removed, shot-blasted /repaired and painted with cold-galvanising paint.
A182Little, JAEx frogman
A1821965SkimmerJones, WesleyVirginia Beach, USASailingAluminium Masthead4cyl PerkinsVery keen fisherman, boat trailed to Bahamas and Florida

AOA Bulletin and Press Appearances

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