Atalanta Folk View the Tall Ships
19 July @ 08:00 – 22 July @ 17:00
The Tall Ships will be in the old harbour in the middle of Aberdeen over the weekend of 19th and 20th July. They will sail for Kristiansand on Tuesday 22nd July after a parade of sail along the beach front. Although not to the public on Saturday they will make a tremendous sight. On Sunday there is a Crew Parade and some of the ships will be open to the public. Our Commodore, Jonathan, is joining the Alba Explorer on the Monday.
Read more about the Tall Ships Races here https://sailtraininginternational.org/event/tall-ships-races-2025/.
Atalanta-erers will meet up over the Saturday and members of the Committee will be able to offer camping space.
Aberdeen will be incredibly busy and parking is expensive. There are Park and Ride facilities and it may be better to stay nearby (e.g. Stonehaven is on the mainline railway).
If you would like to go, please get in touch with either Jonathan or Greg, our Vice Commodore, who will be delighted to help. Use the secure form below to do so, or their details are in the Yearbook for AOA Members.
In order to plan the event in more detail we need to know numbers. Please contact Jonathan?Greg? if you plan to join in by the end of March.
(Photo the Tall Ships in Aberdeen in 1991 by Colin Smith via Wiki Commons)