a Member?
- Support, directly, our work to keep Atalantas sailing and this website available to all.
- Take part in the governance of the AOA through their votes at the Annual General Meetings.
- Receive the full-colour Annual Bulletin by post in December and our newsletters.
- Be eligible for one of our Annual Trophy awards.
Membership Fees – £20
It is a great help if you can pay electronically by standing order, bank transfer or PayPal – in that order or preference. In all cases please complete a membership form – either the electronic form below or the PDF Membership form.
Payment Methods
- Standing Order – AOA bank account details in the Standing Order form
- Bank Transfer – AOA bank account details below
- Credit/Debit Card or your PayPal account using the link on this page below
- Cheque drawn from a UK bank account sent to the address below