I can’t seem to get my photos to load, but I am under my second restoration of the awesome T6 Kittiwake.  No major problems but some major projects.  Mystery leaks discovered and resolved, cracked mast step, and curiosity satisfied with no major bulge problems under the oil pan!  

I’ll have some questions, like How do I correct the listing info, like the motor specs and home port.  I will also have questions, like has anyone continued to use the Ford 100E with a new transmission?  if so what kind?  if both were replaced, what was the easiest refit for that Ford motor?

I miss the many friends I made from my visit all too many years ago, and I hope to reconnect if any have interest in what this damn yank is doing!


All best, Faire winds, Stay curious!

    One thought on “Re-Restoration for Relaunch!

    1. Hi Paul. I am sorry that you are having trouble with photos – email sent.

      Great to hear that Kittiwake is under re-restoration. I like the term and it should become a core part of the AOA lexicon.
      Once we have sorted your issue it would be great to see photos of progress.

      In terms of your questions:
      – correcting listing: you can tell me via this thread and I will get them updated. Or email me using the Contact form at the bottom of the page. Members also have access to a table where they can update the full history if they wish.

      – Ford 100E with different transmissions I know nothing about. But hopefully someone out there will know. Hopefully Martin Bennett might see the question (I will give him a nudge)

      – Refit for the Ford 100E. Do you mean a replacement? There are 12 boats listed in the register with this engine (mainly later Atalantas and Titania). Out of interest the boats are:
      A135 Bloom, awaiting restoration assumed still has the 100E
      A143 Clymene, now with Yanmar 12hp
      A171 Touch, in good condition in France. Current engine unknown
      A174 Cordyl, no longer with us.
      A176 Persephone, derelict, last contact in 2018. Current engine believed to still be the Ford
      A177 Quinteffence, restored, believed to still have outboard which replaced the Ford
      A179 Emma Duck, awaiting restoration and with Volvo MD6B 10hp
      T1 Nuru Albahar, no longer with us
      T4 Brother Jack, still sailing but I believe with a diesel engine but register does not show which
      T5 Solway Tide, no longer with us.
      T9 Tarquila , Volvo 10hp
      T12 Harrier, now has Yanmar twin

      Lets hope some of your old friends chip in and that you make some new ones


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