The current list of jobs (things we know don’t work or are missing, improvement requests and so on) is shown below.
The order of the jobs represents a high level view of the priorities. We welcome feedback on this list and the priorities through the Feedback Form.

Area Page Priority Change
wdt_ID Area Page Priority Change
2 Content - Finish BoatPage 1 Load Register details for A150-187, all Titania, Fulmar and A31
3 Content - Finish Bulletins 1 Four remaining bulletins to scan
4 Content - Finish Design 2 Update 'Where are they' table on the summary and class pages (with map?)
5 Content - Finish Design-A31 2 Better photographs of special features of A31 for page header
6 Content - Finish Design-Fulmar 2 Better photographs of Fulmar for page header, interior, under sail etc
7 Content - Finish Design-A31 3 Narrative about the special features of A31
8 Content - Finish Design-Fulmar 3 Narrative about Fulmar features
9 Content - Finish Design-Titania 3 Narrative about special features of Titania
10 Content - Finish Press 3 Good quality copies / scans of all magazine articles
11 Content - Finish Design 2 Check 'Short History' material is all represented in the design pages
12 Content - New Archive 2 Seek additional suggestions of missing articles, brochures and so on
13 Content - New AOA 3 AOA History Article
14 Content - New AOA 3 AOA Events Page - RTIR, W.Mersea, Round Britain etc
15 Content - New AOA 3 Influential Peopl Page - Charles Currey, Uffa, Alan Vines, then the characters from the AOA past
16 Content - New AOA 4 Fairey Marine History (probably with lots of links to other sites)
17 Content - New Design-A26 4 Additional Post - Construction
18 Content - New Photos 4 Reconcile Filing Cabinet Photos to what we have on the site - load missing
21 Find Stuff - Finish Photo 1 Complete tagging of migrated photos (MLA to bulk edit tags etc)
22 Find Stuff - Finish Design 2 Add tags to all information posts
23 Find Stuff - Finish Photo 2 PHOTO - search screens
24 Find Stuff - New General 1 Tag Clouds and other 'summary' views
25 Find Stuff - New General 1 Search Pages
26 Find Stuff - New General 3 Add archive cross-references to the design posts under 'Design'
28 Tech - Finish General 3 User Registration etc emails - check content. Incl small log
29 Tech - Finish general 4 Word hypenation errors
30 Tech - Finish Events 5 Events Page has ARCHIVES heading
31 Tech - Finish General 4 SSL Certificate with Symantec
32 Tech - New All 2 Automatically set image fields for SEO
33 Tech - New General 2 SEO Site Map
34 Tech - New General 3 SEO content for all pages
35 Tech - New General 4 Replace ABASE with a custom 'retrieve SQL data' function