Photo: First day out. On my first day out with a sail up. I only raised the main that day. The following day main and a foresail (#1) and she behaved like the true lady she is.
First day out

Photo: Enjoying the late summer. Sean Rei – (12) enjoying the late summer on Tenga’s first day out with us and a full day sailing.
Enjoying the late summer

Photo: A88 blocked up 2. A nice shot showing her lovely lines and finish.
A88 blocked up 2

Photo: A88 blocked up 1. Tenga is next to my house and blocked up while I go over her.
A88 blocked up 1

3 thoughts on “2012 A88 Tenga in USA

  1. hahaha!  I have the spinnaker but no pole…

    It will happen soon though…

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