The Association’s senior member, Bernard Upton will be 94 next summer and has decided to stop sailing solo on A89 and to down-size his house, therefore 53 years of Atalanta spares and of course A89 herself will be coming home in May/June 2013. Bernard has changed ownership with the MCA to myself and has 53 years of receipts and import/export paperwork, so hopefully HMRC will not charge any Duty.


We have an Atalanta trailer and we hope to tow it back from central Europe ourselves. A local farmer has just bought a Isuzi D-max which incredibly, can pull 3 tons braked and a total load of 6 tons. Do any members have any experience of these or the Land Rover group vehicles please? I spoke to a member a couple of years ago who owned and recommended a Toyota Land Cruiser, however we have lost his phone number.


We will write the story of the move with photos, as Murray Reid did in the 2007/8 Bulletin.

Also, does anyone know of any available moorings + dry winter storage  in East Anglia or the south coast please?

Richard James