Photo: mary bow. first site nose on
mary bow

Photo: dual rudders. The owner before last changed the rudder system to dual rudders after loosing his for a second time. The research and calculations still exist. A comparison with an original would be interesting.
dual rudders

Photo: lift. Going into the water. A fork lift with 22ft arms is quite an impressive sight.

Photo: lift 2.
lift 2

Photo: going in.. I had to jump aboard at this point using a ladder to span the gap.
going in.

Photo: clearance. over 6″ to spare but on a swinging boat it is a bit scary.

Photo: moored. In the moorings at Portland Marina. Thanks to friends for helping step the mast and set her up. It was very windy but a good day with alot done.

Photo: not the best mooring. the wind was from aft which left waves slapping her hull all night.
not the best mooring

Photo: Portland marina.. It is a nice place though our mooring was on the visitors pontoon and quite a way from the loos.
Portland marina.

Photo: Hurst. With a friends help I sailed back eastwards on a lovely calm day. We did manage to get a bit of sailing done in Pool bay. We waited out the tide by anchoring off Hurst and took the favorable tide over to Gosport.

Photo: Hurst 2. We anchored up at about 5pm waiting for a 9pm change in tide. Meanwhile time for dinner and a bit of a nap.
Hurst 2

Photo: Hurst 3. Sunset off of Hurst whilst waiting for the tide.
Hurst 3

Photo: Hurst 4. looking over towards the needles
Hurst 4

Photo: Hurst 5. Looking directly at Hurst lighthouse. The quality of the camera is evident sad, get film for proper camera.
Hurst 5

Photo: Solent. A play with single handing on a very windy day. The sun in this picture is misleading. It was very cold. Had I the courage to hoist the foresail I am sure I would have been fighting the helm less. It was all I could do to take the photo without throwing the camera overboard.

Photo: Inside Chichester harbour. Inside Chichester Harbour looking eastwards.
Inside Chichester harbour

Photo: Approaching Chichester Harbour. Having left Gosport at 5am in the dark and passing through the submarine defense barrier we head over Chichester bar at high water.
Approaching Chichester Harbour

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