Photo: T4 Brother Jack Lift in. Brother Jack about to get her backside wet after 6 months in the dry.




Photo: T4 Brother Jack Lift in. Brother Jack about to get her backside wet after 6 months in the dry.
T4 Brother Jack Lift in


Photo: T4 Brother Jack Shake Down Sail. Flying the Ensign my Mum bought for me last Xmas sadly she passed away 3 weeks ago and didnt get to see this.
T4 Brother Jack Shake Down Sail


Photo: T4 Brother Jack Lift in. Brother Jack moored alonside in Castletown Harbour waiting for the big sail back. Only a few small jobs to complete.
T4 Brother Jack Lift in


Photo: IMG_0181.


Photo: IMG_0307.


Photo: IMG_0322.


Photo: IMG_0453.


Photo: IMG_0552.


Photo: IMG_0588.


Photo: IMG_0656.


Photo: IMG_0770.


Photo: IMG_1035.


Photo: IMG_1038.


Photo: IMG_1452.


Photo: IMG_2012.


Photo: IMG_2103.


Photo: IMG_2851.


Photo: IMG_3005.


About Paul Jones

Boat: T4 ** Interest: I purchased a boat as a project going forward, the wisdom of this decision is still being tested. Suffice to say I am the proud owner of a Titania and as they are reasonably rare. I enjoy the attention that she receives when we pull along side the modern boats and everybody comes and questions what she is. ** Location: Gloucestershire ** Country: GB

3 thoughts on “2016 Brother Jack heads South

  1. Well heading back to the IOM for a few further days of completing the small jobs. So I will add some pictures of some the work i completed. I am pleased with the Surveyors report declaring her fit for sailing with just replacement of the safety equipment and filling a couple of holes.

    The mast stay plates have pressed against the hull and holed it on one side so they will need replacement in the future. 

  2. Thanks Nick, and a further thanks for helping with the survey.

  3. Paul 

    Very exciting. She looks great too.

    Hoping to hear all about her and your trip!

    All the best


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