Cover - front quarter view

Winter Cover:

Removed the waxed canvas cockpit tent for valeting; so have made up a new winter deck cover for A 169.

NB:  Article on making the cover will be in AOA Bulletin.


  • Front - hatch open.
    Front - hatch open.

    Aft close-up
    Aft close-up

2 thoughts on “3 piece suit for A169

  1. Spot on about the ridge-pole idea Nick. Pockets stitched into fore-deck section, but poles not in place for some images. The “Front hatch open” photo is the only one with the poles in place, you can just see the outline of the centre pole (blister to hatch) and 2 lateral poles. NB: Poles made using fibreglass replacement shock corded tent pole kit.

  2. Chris
    Love this cover. Bernard Upton had a similar cover for the foredeck which I think he used all year round.
    I have had it on ‘my list’ to create something pretty much the same as your arrangement to keep the sun and rain off the decks during the Summer.
    Looking forward to reading your article in the Bulletin.

    Without pre-empting anything in there did you consider ‘ridge-poles’ to keep the cover off the deck? My intention has been to use them forward of the mast and aft of the boom so that rain runs off. But wondering if its necessary…..

    Looking forward to seeing Elle in the flesh…

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