Atalantas attract attention wherever they go. To help publicise the boats and the AOA the Association have suggested a template to display boat details for use in Marinas and alongside.

These are designed for printing at A3. They can printed and heavily laminated or printed on foam boards. They can then be tied to the shrouds.
The boards are being trialled in 2022 at the UF50 event and elsewhere.

The design below includes:  

  • a space for the battle flag logo or a photograph of the boat (Skipper’s choice); 
  • summary details as at the head of the boat register; 
  • a paragraph or two of text – whatever the Skipper wants to say about the boat; 
  • a QR code which links to the article about the Atalanta and its innovations on the website, from where the whole website is accessible.

The template can be downloaded by clicking this link.