Emma Duck was excellently looked after for many years by AOA members, and she retains many original Atalanta features, with some later additions attributed to an extended stay in the Med. She is currently ashore in Chichester Harbour.

Sound Interior with smart vinyl berth cushions, varnished table/chart table/coachroof, sink, cooker, water tank and sea toilet. She sleeps 5 including a double in the rear cabin.

The cockpit was rebuilt in 1999 in varnished ply, varnished coachroof has been epoxy-glassed, varnished forehatch re-veneered. Stainless steel pulpit, pushpit and lifeline stanchions, with stainless steel backing plates below decks. Keels, clamps, backing plates, brackets and keel hoists sound.

Fully-found, including aluminium mast & boom with all standing rigging; bronze turnbuckles; mainsail, Jeckells roller foresail, spinnaker, and varnished spinnaker boom. Plough pattern anchor with chain, mooring lines, custom lifting slings and shackles, horseshoe rescue ring, automatic life jackets. Autohelm, echo sounder and VHF radio.

Since 2008, Emma Duck has been laid up in Emsworth Yacht Harbour in West Sussex, under a robust tarpaulin. Prior to coming ashore she did however have a brief dip in the harbour, attributed to the rudder blade bridle wearing through, allowing the blade to drop on a falling tide, but she is now fully dry. Having sat under a cover for 9 years, she now needs rubbing down, undercoat, paint/ varnish, but is sound.

Jobs required:

  • New engine, or complete rebuild of current 1974 Volvo engine.
  • Some toe-rail section replacement.
  • Repair to foredeck near stemhead.

She is for sale for £500 ono. Most importantly, we would like to know she is being looked after and cherished because she’s a lovely boat and deserves more attentive owners.

With a concerted spring refit, Emma Duck could once again be collecting admiring gazes on the water this summer!

Please contact Louise Ennis on louiseenniscomms at gmail.co

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2 thoughts on “Atalanta 26: A179 Emma Duck – SOLD

  1. Excellent news about Emma Duck’s sale.
    We wish the new owner every success in getting her back on the water, and of course are always willing to provide opinions, advice and guidance on the restoration.

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