
Atalanta A65
May 1958
- Other names
- ConditionRestoring
- LocationBridport
- EngineBeta 13.5hp
- Rig
Comments: An Atalanta hull fitted with a Titania blister over the main cabin and a conventional 26 blister reversed over the aft cabin, giving improved internal spacing. Many modifications through the years including twin fuel, gas and water tanks for balance and torsion-rod steering linkage. Hull and decks epoxied in the 1990s.

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A124 Helene For Sale - £6500 incl.trailer SOLD

A124 Helene For Sale – £6500 incl.trailer SOLD

2020 August - Lying in Ipswich. Please contact Nick for details by email or by phone on 07711 088762.A124 is for sale to allow to pursue my Atalanta and sailing aspirations in different directions. Despite doing my best for the past five Helene has been afloat for only 10 seasons in the past 20 years and needs ...

A65 Joann For Sale - £4000 incl. unique trailer SOLD

A65 Joann For Sale – £4000 incl. unique trailer SOLD

2020 March - A65 Joann is for sale. A special Atalanta, Joann has a Titania coachroof ‘blister’ over the main cabin providing increased headroom there. She also has a standard Atalanta blister fitted to the aft-deck which greatly increases the space in the aft cabin and provides comfortable sitting headroom. Joann is masthead rigged and well equipped. ...

A65 Joann For Sale in 2007 SOLD

A65 Joann For Sale in 2007 SOLD

2007 December - A65 Joann is for sale. An unusual Atalanta she has a Titania coachroof ‘blister’ over the main cabin providing increased headroom there. She also has a standard Atalanta blister fitted to the aft-deck which greatly increases the space in the aft cabin. Joann has hydraulic keels and a trailer. ‘Click’ on a photo for a slideshow.   See the ...

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Ownership history is available only to members of the AOA
or by exception in response to an enquiry through the Contact Us link at the foot of this page.

Sail_No Year BoatName Owner HomePort Condition Rig Engine Notable EVENT Comments
A652020Wettern, LaurenceBridportRestoringLaurence buys Joann, upgrades the trailer and takes her to Dorset. Hull and deck, which have been sheathed are in very good condition, with just a patch of glass lifting on the bow waterline. However, the rubbing strakes are rotten and the toe rails cracked in places. The engine has surface rust but appears basically sound. There is a lot of plumbing to sort out - twin fuel tanks plus header, twin water tanks, twin gas tanks all with switch over valves! The hydraulics on the electric keels appeared well cared for prior to lay up. The rudder is okay but the stock is corroded. A65 also has a torsion bar steering linkage in the aft cabin, replacing all the rudder wires.
A652016StoringFor sale in basically sound condition. Rubbing strakes rotting and all requires good clean up and recommissioning.
A652008Gillilan, HalHalesworth, SuffolkSailing
A652007For Sale
A652002Hill, GrahameGrahame organises E.Coast rally and term as Webmaster
A652001Boat for sale £9000
A652000SailingLaunched. Keith dies.Keith committed suicide Nov 2000
A651999Beta 13.5hpLetter from owner indicates boat is in agricultural tunnel. Work includes new stem, epoxy all over, treadmaster decks, plastimo r/reefing
A651998Faiers, KeithColchester
A651997For Sale
A651996Communication with AOA about papers
A651984Winner Etchells Trophy
A651976Jones, AlbertGlasson Dok
A651971Parkinson, JA
A651966Boss, Mr & Mrs
A651958JoannDanby, PI for ClitheroeSailingThe Titania blister on the main cabin makes her feel like a different boat inside and the cut-down A26 blister on the aft cabin makes it much more usable

AOA Bulletin and Press Appearances

ArchID Type AClass Category Ref Page No Title ABoat ABoat_Name Author APages AComments APrice ASort Link
144Bulletin26, T,F,31n. AOA Events1964-651Round the Island Race 1964A65JoannGlithero S.120Link
143Bulletin26, T,F,31o. General1964-650Cover - A65 JoannA65Joann110Link
185Bulletin26, T,F,31m. Cruises & Cruising1967-687Fleetwood to North Wales - 9 days before the MastA65JoannBoss S.120Link
180Bulletin26, T,F,31o. General1967-680Cover - A65 Joann Dried OutA65Joann110Link
217Bulletin26, T,F,31m. Cruises & Cruising1969-7018Local activities of "Joann"A65JoannBoss C.110Link
385Bulletin26, T,F,31m. Cruises & Cruising1984-8511Ramsey RotA65JoannJones A&N310Link
560Bulletin26, T,F,31n. AOA Events2002-037West Mersea RallyA65JoannHill G210Link
580Bulletin26, T,F,31d. Engines2004-0518New propshaftA65JoannHill G120Link
582Bulletin26, T,F,31n. AOA Events2004-0522East Coast RallyA65JoannHill G220Link
585Bulletin26, T,F,31n. AOA Events2005-0627East Coast RallyA65JoannHill G210Link


wdt_ID trophy year awardedto sailno boatname award
21Coupe Bernard1999D Buckton / K FaiersA65JoannRestoration of Joann
45Atalanta1964S GlitheroA65JoannWinner Round the Isle of Wight Race
80Atalanta2004G. HillA65JoannWinner East Coast Race (West Mersea)
81Atalanta2005G. HillA65JoannWinner East Coast Race (West Mersea)
113Etchells1984A & W JonesA65JoannBest Log in the Bulletin