
Atalanta A99
March 1959
- Other names
- ConditionDestroyed
- LocationKings Lynn, UK
- EngineCov.Victor
- Rig3/4 Wood
Comments: In 1964 the owners’ wife donated a silver model of an Atalanta to the owner. This model was bought by the AOA in 2004 and now forms the Charles Currey Trophy. Toco spent a period with the Sea Scouts..

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AOA Toco demise 2017 - A sad tale

AOA Toco demise 2017 – A sad tale

2017 June - Sadly we watched the A99 Toco demise in 2017. She had been lying outside the owner’s house for many years. He had intended to restore her but never quite got started. The owner was keen to sell her and was threatening destruction if a buyer could not be found. A few of ...

Sadly Remnants of A99 Toco on eBay

2017 May - A99 Toco has been scrapped and broken up. Seller badgersden10 has a number of parts including windows, sails, prop shaft, and fuel tank listed on eBay at present. At somewhat inflated prices. If you need anything like this it would be worth

A99 Toco for sale

A99 Toco for sale

2014 November - Complete boat and trailer.   Been standing for 3 years at Kings Lynn   6 x excellent sails.   4 clocks on hatch for speed, depth, wind, lean.   The mast was

References in Forum Topics

(Based on contributors tagging their posts with the sail number e.g. A71, 31/3)

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Ownership history is available only to members of the AOA
or by exception in response to an enquiry through the Contact Us link at the foot of this page.

Sail_No Year BoatName Owner HomePort Condition Rig Engine Notable EVENT Comments
A992017TocoUnknownDestroyedNew owner dismantled Toco and advertised parts on eBayFather and son from Wisbech who told Fred they would get her sailing again, then broke her for money
A992016TocoRestoringFred keen to find a new owner. Some parts including engine bought by AOA member
A992012TocoWhiteside, FredKings Lynn, UKRestoring
A992006SailingToco relaunched at Erith
A992004Sea ScoutsGreenhitheRestoringToco donated to Sea Scouts under stewardship of Steve Newton at Greenhithe
A991999Toco damaged whilst in yard
A991965Coleman, FrankTidal Thames
A991964Owners wife presents silver model of Atalanta to owner - similar to Etchells trophy. This model was bought by the AOA in 2004 at Christies.
A991962Oliver, F.ABournemouth
A991959TocoCoates, TCheshireSailing3/4 WoodCov.Victor

AOA Bulletin and Press Appearances

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