
Atalanta A109
April 1959
- Other namesSirena
- ConditionDestroyed
- LocationArisaig, Scotland
- Engine
- Rig
Comments: Beltine celtic for ‘between two fires’. Same owner from 1968 until 2000, although latterly she was used as a caravan rather than a boat.

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A109 - You might want to look the other way

A109 – You might want to look the other way

2020 May - In 2001 the owners of A7 bought A109 Beltine for spares. A109 was subsequently broken up as can be seen in the photos. Coincidentally A7 was bought by an owner who used the trailer for his boat and put her for sale. A7 has not been heard of since.Sadly, such treatment of neglected Atalantas ...

References in Forum Topics

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'; None


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Ownership history is available only to members of the AOA
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Sail_No Year BoatName Owner HomePort Condition Rig Engine Notable EVENT Comments
A1092002Broken upDestroyed
A1092001Bailey, Fiona and GaryBought by owners of A7 for spares
A1092000Owner dies. Boat for sale with sails, two engines & outboard. £500-£700
A1091996Bernard Upton sees A109 in car park in Arisaig. The owner and sister sitting nearby in a car. Both well into their 80's he apparently sleeps on board each weekend whilst his sister stays in a local B&B. No longer sailing, but the Atalanta attachment is strong.
A1091968Stirling, JohnArisaig, Scotland
A1091961BeltineSillars, AngusDunbartonshireNames is celtic - 'between two fires'
A1091959SirenaBurns, LindsayFife, ScotlandSailing

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