
Atalanta A12
December 1956
- Other namesLaloessa,
- ConditionDestroyed
- LocationMilford Haven
- EnginePetter diesel
- Rig
Comments: Sold new as kit, no sails. In 2009 an AOA team assist the Harbour Authorities in breaking up and removing the wreck, salvaging what gear they could.

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A12 Ione Last Rights in Milford Haven

A12 Ione Last Rights in Milford Haven

2009 December - The Harbour Master at Milford Haven contacted the Association with news that an Atalanta had been abandoned in the harbour and was going to be destroyed. A group of Association members got together and went down to A12 on a very cold day to recover what they could. A lot of fittings were rescued before ...

References in Forum Topics

(Based on contributors tagging their posts with the sail number e.g. A71, 31/3)

'; None


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Ownership history is available only to members of the AOA
or by exception in response to an enquiry through the Contact Us link at the foot of this page.

Sail_No Year BoatName Owner HomePort Condition Rig Engine Notable EVENT Comments
A122009DestroyedAOA team assist harbour authorities in breaking up the remains. Salvageable gear saved and made available to membership.
A122005Bottom damaged.
A122004IoneFysh, RodMilford HavenBoat sold
A122002Boat not used much due to family commitments.
A122001Lots of work done.
A121999McSweeney, Rob & RoncaHaverfordwestRestoring
A121998Owner ill and unable to sail. Boat for sale £3000Died in 1999
A121997Wilson-Moore, Mrs SJBridgend
A121995Owner UnkonwnBoat sold, AOA details passed on to new owner
A121994Petter dieselFor sale £4000 in PBO
A121988Grant, PaulPembroke Dock
A121975LaloessaBurton, Dr LKThornbury SC, GlosSailing
A121974RestoringCockpit and aft bulhead renewed
A121972Munden, BCPortsmouth
A121965Ball, DLChichester
A121956IoneHarrisonWalton on ThamesRestoringShell sold as kit, no sails

AOA Bulletin and Press Appearances

ArchID Type AClass Category Ref Page No Title ABoat ABoat_Name Author APages AComments APrice ASort Link
1,308Press26,l. History1960-01-YM13Passage In ThoughtA12LaloessaT.A.A Hunter0Yachting Monthly. Appreciation of the class on passage Jan YM Review. Only have page 100Link
634Bulletin26, T,F,31k. Exterior - Mods, Equipment & Gadgetry2009-103Hull repairsA12EpenetusWooley R210Link
635Bulletin26, T,F,31m. Cruises & Cruising2009-105Axmouth to Brixham CruiseA12EpenetusWooley R310Link
663Bulletin26, T,F,31n. AOA Events2010-1152AOA Round Britain - Falmouth to WeymouthA12EpenetusWooley R510Link


wdt_ID trophy year awardedto sailno boatname award