Mary Jane of Moreton

Atalanta A22
May 1957
- Other names
- ConditionUnknown
- LocationDenbighshire
- EngineRCA Dolphin 12hp
- Rig
Comments: Features in Fairey Marine promotional video (see AOA Videos, Fairey Marine Promotional playlist under IMAGES).

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Fairey Marine Promotional Videos

Fairey Marine Promotional Videos

2020 May -We have recently placed five Fairey Marine promotional films on the ‘Videos’ page. These are entertaining and provide an interesting insight into sailing in the late fifties / early sixties as well as into Fairey Marine and the Atalanta. The films were produced by Fairey Aviation Unit and are now managed through the ...

References in Forum Topics

(Based on contributors tagging their posts with the sail number e.g. A71, 31/3)

'; None


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Ownership history is available only to members of the AOA
or by exception in response to an enquiry through the Contact Us link at the foot of this page.

Sail_No Year BoatName Owner HomePort Condition Rig Engine Notable EVENT Comments
A222024UnknownLost touch with owner
A222010Doran, MichaelDenbighshireRestoring
A221988Banks, AK & SARhyl
A221968Rees, CDBirdhamRCA Dolphin 12hp
A221961Rigby, JA & Hordern, PC
A221959J Burgess has a 1/8 scale sailing model of A22 built. See A22m
A221958Mary Jane of MoretonDr Green & J BurgessSailingMary Jane is used extensively in Fairey Marine promotion video and picture

AOA Bulletin and Press Appearances

ArchID Type AClass Category Ref Page No Title ABoat ABoat_Name Author APages AComments APrice ASort Link
90Bulletin26, T,F,31o. General1958-590Cover - A22 Mary Jane of MortonA22Mary Jane of Moreton010Link
1,348Press26,b. Class Reviews and Appreciations2005-05-DY2Atalanta, The - A dinghy that is not a dinghyA22John S Burgess0Dinghy Yearbook. Mentions A26-22 Mary Jane of Moreton, Charles Currey bio pages 168&169, Fairey Marine ad page 18200Link
72Brochure26,a. Brochures & AdvertsA26-1958A26 1958 Brochure with A22A220Mix of pages - may be from multiple brochures?00Link
73Brochure26,a. Brochures & AdvertsA26-1960A26 1960 Trilingual Brochure with A22A220Old AOA Paper L00Link


wdt_ID trophy year awardedto sailno boatname award