CLASS/SAIL DATE BUILT HULL NUMBER | Atalanta A58 February 1958 61 |
- Other names | |
- Condition | PresumedLost |
- Location | Gironde, France |
- Engine | |
- Rig |
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Sail_No | Year | BoatName | Owner | HomePort | Condition | Rig | Engine | Notable EVENT | Comments |
A58 | 2018 | PresumedLost | |||||||
A58 | 1993 | Unknown | Gironde, France | Derelict | Mike Rowe sees Wintersett in S.France on teh Gironde. Deemed not in too bad condition she had been there for 2 years whilst her American owner was working overseas. | ||||
A58 | 1983 | Boat surveyed OK, for sale for £3500. Plans to return to UK fall through dues to lack of time / crew. | |||||||
A58 | 1980 | Lowe, Terry | Rouen | Terry is another American, based Beaverton, USA. Buys boat and takes her through French canals to Mediterranean, then down coast of Spain to Morocco, Gibraltar and then back to Gul of Aigues Mortes. | |||||
A58 | 1978 | Rye | Tom's wife returns to USA to earn funding for repairs. | ||||||
A58 | 1977 | Newhaven | Tom and his wife travel to Newhaven, wintering in Rye 1977/78, where he again broke the rudder which led to a string of issues with boatyards. | ||||||
A58 | 1976 | Frazier, Tom | Lowestoft | Tom is youn american (Oregon) café proprietor who saved up enough money to come to England. Bought the boat on landing in Liverpool, found a canal which got him out into the Wash about Xmas 1976. He stranded on a sand bar outside Lowestoft and smashed his rudder. Got into port and pulled out, lived aboard funded by his wife working in a cafe ashore. | |||||
A58 | 1972 | Walker, Phillips & Thelma | Rhyl | Etchells Trophy 1972 | |||||
A58 | 1966 | Unknown | D Merrett buys A31/7 | ||||||
A58 | 1965 | Francis, WG | Cheltenham | Partnership with D Merrett | |||||
A58 | 1958 | Winterset | Reynolds, P | Hertfordshire | Sailing |
AOA Bulletin and Press Appearances
ArchID | Type | AClass | Category | Ref | Page No | Title | ABoat | ABoat_Name | Author | APages | AComments | APrice | ASort | Link |
247 | Bulletin | 26, T,F,31 | m. Cruises & Cruising | 1972-73 | 8 | Cruising in the Sun | A58 | Wintersett | Walker P. | 1 | 2 | 0 | Link | |
253 | Bulletin | 26, T,F,31 | m. Cruises & Cruising | 1973-74 | 8 | It's all a question of getting organised | A58 | Wintersett | Walker P. | 1 | 2 | 0 | Link | |
404 | Bulletin | 26, T,F, | e. Rig, Sails and Tuning | 1986-87 | 15 | Reynolds Mast Lowering Device | A58 | Wintersett | Biddle, L | 1 | 1 | 0 | Link |
wdt_ID | trophy | year | awardedto | sailno | boatname | award |
wdt_ID | trophy | year | awardedto | sailno | boatname | award |
101 | Etchells | 1972 | P Walker | A58 | Wintersett | Best Log in the Bulletin |