
Atalanta A95
September 1958
- Other namesUnknown
- ConditionRestoring
- LocationDitzum, NW Germany
- EngineBeta 13hp
- RigMasthead, wood
Comments: A well loved boat owned by on person for 36 years. He was AOA Secretary and then Commodore. Now undergoing restoration in North Germany.

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A95 Hiran Cockpit Tent

A95 Hiran Cockpit Tent

2017 May - Photographs of the cockpit tent installed on Hiran, which may be of interest to others.

A95 For Sale £4,500 - SOLD

A95 For Sale £4,500 – SOLD

2017 March - Hiran is up for sale after over 30 years of ownership.Sale Details

A95 Hiran on the Thames

A95 Hiran on the Thames

2011 September - A95 Hiran on the Thames. Photo: A95 on the Thames. Returning to Erith YC from the annual Ovens Race with our Commodore on the port winch.

A95 New drive shaft 1999

A95 New drive shaft 1999

1999 February - Hiran gets a new driveshaft

References in Forum Topics

(Based on contributors tagging their posts with the sail number e.g. A71, 31/3)

'; None


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Ownership history is available only to members of the AOA
or by exception in response to an enquiry through the Contact Us link at the foot of this page.

Sail_No Year BoatName Owner HomePort Condition Rig Engine Notable EVENT Comments
A952023Good, but slow progress in 2023. Still finding new things to do.
A952022Extensive restoration continues. Making good progress
A952020Covid-19 restrictions enable regular progress. Still lots to do
A952017Viet, Hans-ErichDitzum, NW GermanyRestoringAlso owns A110
A952016For Sale
A952007Colin Twyford elected Commodore
A952000Boom broken, A179 spare adopted
A951999Beta 13hp
A9519971996-98 saw new sails, engine main and big end bearings
A951993Colin Twyford becomes (very active) Hon Sec
A951990Masthead, woodMast & boom broken in January gale. New wooden mast, rest repaired. Engine rebuilt
A951983Keels badly corroded - led to series of 'how to' articles in Buletin
A951981Twyford, CErith Yacht ClubSailing
A951979Weeks, JQueenborough, R.SwaleRestoringDid not join AOA
A951978Hiran is damaged in January floods
A951975Barling, David & WilliamR.MedwayBought for £2,500
A951967Norrish, S
A951962HiranCooper, VJCLittlehampton
A951958UnknownDulvertonScotlandSailing3/4 WoodCov.Victor 16hpJames Watt (A161 in 2005) sailed with Lord Dulvergon

AOA Bulletin and Press Appearances

ArchID Type AClass Category Ref Page No Title ABoat ABoat_Name Author APages AComments APrice ASort Link
389Bulletin26, T,F,31f. Keel Gear1984-8524Bolt is a Four letter Word.A95HiranColin Twyford,010Link
490Bulletin26, T,F,31g. Hull and Decks1994-9539Leaks and CuresA95HiranCooper S120Link
503Bulletin26, T,F,31g. Hull and Decks1995-9638More Leaks and CuresA95HiranTwyford C120Link
504Bulletin26, T,F,31o. General1996-970Cover - A95 Hiran waiting for wind West MerseaA95Hiran110Link
522Bulletin26, T,F,31g. Hull and Decks1997-9828Deck re-inforcingA95HiranTwyford C230Link
540Bulletin26, T,F,d. Engines1999-0032New Beta 13 HP engineA95HiranTwyford C210Link
572Bulletin26, T,F,31g. Hull and Decks2003-049Removal & Replacement of DeadwoodA95HiranTwyford C110Link
579Bulletin26, T,F,31g. Hull and Decks2004-0515UK to the Canaries in A113A95HiranTwyford C320Link
595Bulletin26, T,F,31f. Keel Gear2005-0627Keels and StirrupsA95HiranTwyford C110Link
627Bulletin26, T,F,31f. Keel Gear2008-0941Keel lifting stirrup alterationA95HiranTwyford C100Link
626Bulletin26, T,F,31k. Exterior - Mods, Equipment & Gadgetry2008-0934Improvements to engine hatchesA95HiranTwyford C100Link
621Bulletin26, T,F,31m. Cruises & Cruising2008-0912East Coast RallyA95HiranTwyford C100Link
624Bulletin26, T,F,31m. Cruises & Cruising2008-0920Mortoring up the ThamesA95HiranTwyford C600Link
638Bulletin26, T,F,31k. Exterior - Mods, Equipment & Gadgetry2009-1012Strengthening the rear deckA95HiranTwyford C210Link
632Bulletin26, T,F,31n. AOA Events2009-1020East Coast RallyA95HiranTwyford C510Link
668Bulletin26, T,F,31k. Exterior - Mods, Equipment & Gadgetry2010-1150Using the HorseA95HiranTwyford C210Link
648Bulletin26, T,F,31n. AOA Events2010-113East Coast Rally & news of A99 TocoA95HiranTwyford C310Link
672Bulletin26, T,F,31k. Exterior - Mods, Equipment & Gadgetry2011-129Fixing various leaksA95HiranTwyford C210Link
685Bulletin26, T,F,31g. Hull and Decks2012-1316Repairing a punctured hullA95HiranTwyford C310Link
740Bulletin26, T,F,i. Trailers and Trailing2016-1731Restoration of Trailer Brakes by Colin TwyfordA95HiranTwyford C220Link
53AOAPaper26, T,F,31g. Hull and DecksSStrengthening the Fore & Aft Decks by Colin TwyfordA95HiranTwford C000Link
54AOAPaper26, T,F,31g. Hull and DecksTRepairs to Keelbox & Keel/Hog by Colin TwyfordA95HiranTwford C000Link
56AOAPaper26, T,g. Hull and DecksVRemoval & Replacement of the Deadwood by Colin TwyfordA95HiranTwford C000Link
57AOAPaper26, T,F,31f. Keel GearWKeel Lifting Stirrup Alteration by Colin TwyfordA95HiranTwford C000Link
58AOAPaper26, T,F,31f. Keel GearYKeel Bolt Inspection PlatesA95HiranTwford C0(incl. second format by B Upton, A89 Colchide)00Link


wdt_ID trophy year awardedto sailno boatname award
85Atalanta2009C. TwyfordA95HiranWinner East Coast Race (West Mersea)
170Sinclair2004Colin TwyfordA95HiranServices to the AOA: Sec from 1993 – 2006