
Atalanta A98
January 1959
- Other namesItalia, Karim
- ConditionDestroyed
- LocationInverness, Scotland
- EngineCov.Victor type N
- Rig3/4 Wood
Comments: Sold new as kit. Spent 20 years in the same shed as A76 awaiting restoration before being destroyed in 2019 after the owner’s death.

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A76 and A98, a sad loss and an idea for the future

A76 and A98, a sad loss and an idea for the future

2020 April - We were saddened to hear at the beginning of last year that the long term owner of A76 Inshallah and A98 Beki had died. The owner had been restoring both boats in a workshop since the mid 1990s. Both boats were stripped down and a lot of work had been accomplished. Both boats ...

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Sail_No Year BoatName Owner HomePort Condition Rig Engine Notable EVENT Comments
A982020DestroyedBoat destroyed and gear lost.
A982019Owner dies. Son requests assistance in selling this boat and 'Inshallah' which are both in the shed.
A982017StoringOwner focussing on Inshallah which he also owns
A981996Mortimore, PeterInverness, ScotlandRestoringOwner also owns A76
A981979Norton, DFStarcross, Devon
A981964BekiHeath, AALymington
A981961Harvey, JRMedway
A981959KarimStevensHoveRestoring3/4 WoodCov.Victor type NSold as kit

AOA Bulletin and Press Appearances

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