Sabrina of Croyde

Atalanta A115
April 1960
- Other namesMara, Un-named
- ConditionRestoring
- LocationThorney Island, Hampshire
- EngineYanmar 8hp
- RigMasthead
Comments: Originally a Fairey Marine show boat. Crosses the Atlantic, in bad conditions, with three on board in 1975. Refer 1975-76 Bulletin. One of two boats known to have made the crossing.

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First owner

2022 November - My father Dr Francis George Elvins was the first owner, from 1960 until 1971 when he died. He kept her moored on Wareham Quay, Dorset where he lived. He crossed the channel to Cherbourg and to Morlaix, where he lowered the mast so they could travel up the canals. He named her Sabrina after the ...

Atlantic crossing A115 moves South with new owner

Atlantic crossing A115 moves South with new owner

2022 November - We are delighted to hear that A115 ‘Mara’ has been sold. Her new owner has moved her to the South Coast to complete her restoration.This is great news. In 1975 Eric Stallard sailed A115, then called ‘Sabrina of Croyde’, across the Atlantic with a crew of two. They experienced and survived a hurricane between ...

A115 Mara For Sale - £800 SOLD

A115 Mara For Sale – £800 SOLD

2020 September -I have taken the decision to let A115 go to a new owner. Sadly I don’t have the time to work on her where she is as there is no power and she won’t fit on my drive.A lot of work has been done on the boat as can be seen in the photos. ...

A115 Moved Home

A115 Moved Home

2015 August - A115 Moved Home

A115 Cockpit

A115 Cockpit

2013 July - A115 Cockpit. Photo: Clean Cockpit looking Astern.

A115 Sabrina Across The Atlantic in 1975

A115 Sabrina Across The Atlantic in 1975

1975 May - In 1975 Eric Stallard and two young friends set out from Appledore on May 27th in A115, Sabrina of Croyde, to cross the Atlantic. They had a stormy passage through the Bay of Biscay but reached Terceira in the Azores, a sailing distance of 1500 miles, on June 15th. They took a three day break ...

References in Forum Topics

(Based on contributors tagging their posts with the sail number e.g. A71, 31/3)

'; None


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Ownership history is available only to members of the AOA
or by exception in response to an enquiry through the Contact Us link at the foot of this page.

Sail_No Year BoatName Owner HomePort Condition Rig Engine Notable EVENT Comments
A1152022Sabrina of CroydeTodd, AaronThorney Island, HampshireRestoringMara is bought by new owner, an AOA member, and moved to Emsworth. Much missing gear replaced with spares from the AOA salvage scheme
A1152020StoringExtensive hull restoration work carried out. Missing rig, engine prop and much of interior. Owner unable to complete and boat put up for sale with excellent trailer at £800
A1152012MaraCormie, RobbieStone, StaffordshireBought from eBay for £500 minus sails, engine and much of interior. Renamed Mara which is gaelic for the sea
A1152001Ogle, JohnLymm, ManchesterHesford Boatyard, Lymm.
A1151998RestoringOwner purchases A55
A1151981Chiswell, Derek
A1151978Williams, AlanManchester
A1151975Successful Atlantic crossing Aug/Sep 1975, 17 days to Azores, 28 to Bermuda, 12 to Norfolk. Hit hurricane off East USA - refer 1975-76 Bulletin for write up. One of crew was Clarke, owner of A104
A1151974Stallard, GGHamble, HantsBoat is prepared for Atlantic crossing with two friends
A1151970Chichester-Smith, CHDate Uncertain
A1151961Sabrina of CroydeElvins, Dr FGWareham, Dorset
A1151960Un-namedFairey MarineSailingMastheadYanmar 8hpShow Boat.

AOA Bulletin and Press Appearances

ArchID Type AClass Category Ref Page No Title ABoat ABoat_Name Author APages AComments APrice ASort Link
265Bulletin26, T,F,31l. History1975-762Across the AtlanticA115Sabrina of CroydeStallard E.120Link
264Bulletin26, T,F,31m. Cruises & Cruising1975-762Across the AtlanticA115Sabrina of CroydeStallard E.120Link


wdt_ID trophy year awardedto sailno boatname award
104Etchells1975GG StallardA115Sabina of CroydeBest Log in the Bulletin