
Atalanta A177
April 1964
- Other namesEmira
- ConditionRestoring
- LocationSomerset
- Engine10hp Outboard in transom nacelle
- Rig3/4 Wood
Comments: Restoration in 1990s includes epoxy all over, twin rudders, racing sails. Boat damaged by drying out onto debris. Ownership passes to daughter.

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Stem capping strip repair- rot in forward part of keel

Stem capping strip repair- rot in forward part of keel

2021 April - A177 Quinteffence has been laid up on her trailer for the last 8 years as life has not allowed time to spend sailing (and maintaining her). She has been stored under a canvas shelter and stayed relatively dry.  This spring I have begun checking around and finding what needs doing before the next outing, hopefully this ...

References in Forum Topics

(Based on contributors tagging their posts with the sail number e.g. A71, 31/3)

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Ownership history is available only to members of the AOA
or by exception in response to an enquiry through the Contact Us link at the foot of this page.

Sail_No Year BoatName Owner HomePort Condition Rig Engine Notable EVENT Comments
A1772022Work continues slowly on completing restoration work.Hoping that she’ll see the water in 2023.   The boat is fine and is under a good cover. Deck de-lamination all sorted.  Has water ingress on the windows but this too is being sorted.  Has repaired the plywood transom (plywood as a result of the twin rudder mods carried out some time ago).  One keel sticking and has resulted in pivot holes being elongated (?).
A1772019Owners still intend to relaunch
A1772017Ready for launching this year
A1772006Aitken, Tarn & FrancesRestoringDaughter of previous owner. Boat damaged by drying out onto debris.
A1772003Richardson, PeterSomersetPeter sailed A158 Jane Duck for 6 months in 1982. Article by Richard Smith mentions a drawing of A158 by Peter and mentions that Peter died on his boat in Caernarfon Harbour
A177200210hp Outboard in transom nacelleProfessional epoxy in and out, maintains design weight. new running & standing rigging, racing sails, twin rudders. For Sale £10k
A1771999Grange, CanonSomerset
A1771998Fitting Twin Rudders
A1771989Sowden, Ken & AnnetteSomerset9.9hp Outboard
A1771988Callow, MarkPlans to ship Emira to New York and sail back
A1771986Poyner, DavidBarnstaple
A1771984Cadogan, AlanNorth DevonSailing
A1771983StoringAdvertised PBO Feb 1983, poor condition
A1771979Saunders, JudithRochester, Kent
A1771977Forrester, JWelling, Kent
A1771970Youngs, WHornchurch, Essex
A1771968Goss, JCrookham, Hampshire
A1771964EmiraThynne, J.GFleet, HampshireSailing3/4 WoodFord 100E

AOA Bulletin and Press Appearances

ArchID Type AClass Category Ref Page No Title ABoat ABoat_Name Author APages AComments APrice ASort Link
167Bulletin26, T,F,31m. Cruises & Cruising1966-671Majorca in Emira A177A177EmiraThynne J.G.220Link


wdt_ID trophy year awardedto sailno boatname award