With keels and rudder raised an Atalanta is perfectly at home dried out
Where to dry out
Atalanta’s were designed to be equally at home sitting on the bottom, anywhere where there is a suitable stretch of ground to sit on. Muddy harbour and river bottoms are perfect. Sheltered sandy beaches are also good. The above photo shows A71 Jakaroo dried out on near Ramsgate. That stretch of foreshore has more stones on it than I like, but she is sitting there perfectly safely.
Atalanta’s sit almost upright, listing perhaps 5 degrees on firm level ground. Much depends on how hard the surface is. Often sand is softer, and allows her to lie perfectly upright. Some owners have used tires under each bilge to hold her upright.
Don’t forget the rudder!
When taking the ground make sure that the rudder blade is raised. Failure to remember has been known to bend the 12mm thick alloy blade. Of course you will also remember to raise the keels, although that is not as critical as they should lift of their own accord as the water recedes.
Avoid stones and anchor flukes
As hinted at above it is necessary to be sure that there is nothing on the bottom that the boat could sit on. Remember that she will be sitting on her hull. Sharp stones, anchor flukes or rocks are likely to damage the hull, if not actually penetrate and leave her filling when the tide returns.
I like to check the spot I want to dry on at low water beforehand! Of course there are places where I dry out regularly, and I know are suitable, and I know just where to anchor. I even have them marked on the chart plotter!.