Major Robin Shinkwin '64

Major Robin Shinkwin was apparently the second owner of F8 “Iona”. The photo shows Him on A5 ” Diaphony” on a cruise down to St Malo, with my Father, myself and Nigel Case. It turned out to be another case of Father convincing people of the virtues of Fairey’s products. By the time we got back to Poole, Robin had agreed to become the fourth owner of “Diaphony” and Nigel was to become the third owner of “Iona”! There’s this little bar in St Malo….       

     …but it’s probably best to avoid it.

  • Nigel Case, St.Peter Port '64
    Nigel Case, St.Peter Port '64
    Nigel Case, St.Peter Port '64

About Mark Urry

Involvement and ownership of Atalantas (and Fulmars) since their conception. Too old to own one now but still passionate and interested.