Under sail ?

A memorable time for the family which we did not regret.The tide was running out fast in the Zandreek. so we went aground not exactly where we would have wished!. No problem with an Atalanta and we prepared to spend the night in our cosy arch until next high tide. What an intent moment when we woke up to see the sunrise and watch the water rising quickly under the double keel. We were free to move on.

  • Christian Mary A35
    Christian Mary A35
    No pilotZandreek photo famille
    Zandreek photo famille
    Great funYvonne et nos 3 enfants en mer
    Yvonne et nos 3 enfants en mer
    The crew is complete and watchful

2 thoughts on “Memorable family sailing on Holland waterways summer 1960

  1. Great photos. Thank you for posting them. They sum up so many of the attractions of the Atalanta – shoal draft, ability to dry out, family sailing.

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