
Talk about Fairey Atalanta, share and link our stories with your friends on Social Media.

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Write and comment about Fairey Marine, Atalantas, your Atalanta memories and plans:

Typing for Support Us Page
On this website – individual boat blogs or in the site Forum
Writing for Support Us Page
Send photos and articles to the Annual Bulletin editor

Meet up

Come along to one of our events. They have a mix of boat owners and Atalanta fans and are always fun.

Become a Member

Join the AOA to directly further our work in preserving Atalantas for sailing and making this website available to all.

You will also receive a paper copy of out Annual Bulletin by post and b eligible for our Annual Trophy awards.


We strive to keep website and administrative costs to a minimum but they are far from zero. Any assistance you can give, however small, is much appreciated.