Photo: Is that….
Is that...

Photo: Paris an atalanta’s view. Going through Paris is exciting in an extreme sport sense.  The tourist boats are nose to tail.  They have enormous engines and combined with the swift current they kick up quite a chop.  The rudders were going like a fish tail.
Paris an atalanta's view

Photo: Paris an atalanta’s view.
Paris an atalanta's view

Photo: Paris an atalanta’s view.
Paris an atalanta's view

Photo: Paris an atalanta’s view.
Paris an atalanta's view

Photo: Paris an atalanta’s view.
Paris an atalanta's view

Photo: Paris an atalanta’s view.
Paris an atalanta's view

Photo: Paris an atalanta’s view.
Paris an atalanta's view

Photo: Paris an atalanta’s view.
Paris an atalanta's view

Photo: Paris an atalanta’s view.
Paris an atalanta's view

Photo: Paris an atalanta’s view.
Paris an atalanta's view

Photo: Paris an atalanta’s view.
Paris an atalanta's view

Photo: Cusions. Cusions be bought made from kelim rugs.

Photo: new cleat. As both rear cleats had been broken I needed new ones otherwise I would not be able to secure the back of the boat.  As luck would have it the strut made for me was oversized.  So I ripped a strip off that and made one I still have the other to make.
new cleat

Photo: new cleat.
new cleat

One thought on “2013 A102 Mary in Paris

  1. It is wonderful to see you updating the blog so regularly! Quite a few of us are watching your progress with interest. Keep the updates coming. Particularly the photos!!!



    Well done



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